You should buy more electric cars! The subsidy pot is far from empty

In 2021 you could no longer apply for a subsidy for a new electric car after just one day. How different is the situation now? We are already a month further and the jar is still half full. So you should (and can) buy more EVs!

You should buy more electric cars!  The subsidy pot is far from empty

The subsidy is lower this year – no more 4000 euros, but 3350 euros – and the pot is bigger. Despite this, we had thought that it would also go very fast this year, but it is not that bad. Of the 91.4 million euros, 37.2 million euros have been requested so far, according to figures from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).

Subsidy for second-hand electric cars less popular

71 million euros is available for new EVs and 30.3 million has been requested. Used electric cars are a lot less popular. The government has set aside 20.4 million euros for this and 13.5 million euros is still available. So only 6.9 million euros has been requested.

Electric car subsidy, what are the conditions?

The subsidy amount for used cars is 2000 euros. Of course there are conditions. For example, the new price of the occasion must be between 12,000 and 45,000 euros. You can read about the other conditions that apply to new and used cars in our previous story.

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