YouTube’s dark mode is rolling out to all iPad and iPhone users

After YouTube’s dark mode was already available for some iPad and iPhone users, the addition has now been rolled out to all devices. We show you how to activate Dark Mode.

YouTube dark mode gradually rolled out

The prayers of Apple owners have been heard. More and more users have expressed their desire for a dark mode for YouTube, and it was officially announced by the company today. Previously it was already possible to watch videos on the website in a dark gray jacket. The YouTube Dark Mode is particularly useful when you watch a movie in the dark, as the light is less bright. The app also looks better on the iPhone X.

To use dark mode, you must first download the latest version of the YouTube app. To do this, go to the App Store, click on ‘Updates’ at the bottom of the screen and select ‘Update all’.

YouTube’s dark mode is rolling out to all iPad and iPhone users

This is how you activate the YouTube Dark Mode

  1. Open the YouTube app on your iPhone or iPad;
  2. Tap your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen;
  3. Tap Settings;
  4. Scroll down and turn on the switch behind ‘Dark theme’;
  5. Close the settings to use YouTube in dark mode.

As mentioned, the function was already available to a few users. It is therefore possible that nothing will change for your situation. Do you want to activate a similar dark color on your Mac in addition to iOS? Read our tip below how to do this.

Also read: How to enable YouTube dark mode on the Mac

Read the latest news about YouTube

  • The 5 best iOS apps in the App Store from week 44 (11/1/2020)
  • YouTube gets 4K support on Apple TV and picture-in-picture back in iOS 14 (3-10-2020)
  • YouTube blocks iOS 14 Picture-in-Picture for non-Premium users (9/19/2020)
  • The 5 best iOS apps in the App Store from week 11 – 2020 (3/15/2020)
  • YouTube incognito mode: this is how you watch videos anonymously and undisturbed (15-12-2019)

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