Zeolites are minerals that are sold in powder capsules and are often advertised as a detox miracle. But whether zeolite can really detoxify the body or whether it is even harmful, you can find out here.
Zeolites, also called volcanic minerals, are minerals that belong to the group of silicates. Silicates are rock-forming minerals and make up over 90 percent of the components of the earth’s crust.
Zeolites occur naturally in volcanic rocks or deep-sea sediments. However, they can also be produced synthetically. Their structure is characterized by cavities and holes. Due to this porous structure, they act like sponges and can bind substances. According to the Pharmaceutical Journal, zeolites are used, among other things, as an additive in animal feed or detergents, to bind odors in cat litter products or in road construction.
For some time now, suppliers have also been promoting zeolites, including clinoptilolite, as a means of detoxifying the body.
Clinoptiloite is a naturally occurring zeolite. It is not approved as a dietary supplement in Germany, according to the German Pharmacist’s Journal. Clinoptiloite is classified only as a medical product and is available in the form of powder capsules.
Can zeolite really detoxify the body?

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / aixklusiv)
Due to its porous structure, zeolite has absorbing and binding properties, according to the independent scientific network Cochrane. When taken in powder form, it is said to bind “bad” substances in the body and thus detoxify it.
However, zeolite does not differentiate between harmful and harmless substances. If taken orally, it can also remove important nutrients such as minerals from the body, according to the consumer advice center. In addition, products made from zeolite are usually contaminated with harmful substances such as aluminum or lead.
The detoxifying effect of zeolite has not yet been scientifically proven, as according to Cochrane there are no studies on the subject. The scientific network considers studies that prove the health effects of zeolite to be inconclusive, as they often lack plausibility and evidence.
Less strict approval: This is why zeolites are only medical devices

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / EmilianDanaila)
Zeolites are not allowed to be sold as food supplements in Europe because, according to the consumer advice center, they are not approved as a “novel food.” Novel foods are products that were not consumed in the EU before 1997, including the leaves of the stevia plant or so-called clean meat (laboratory meat).
Instead, zeolites are available in Germany as so-called medical devices. Medical devices differ from pharmaceuticals primarily in their mode of action, according to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). Examples of medical devices are implants, visual aids, dental products or condoms.
In addition, medical devices do not require government approval. There is simply a conformity assessment procedure by the BfArM, which makes the manufacturer responsible for the quality, safety and effectiveness of the product. In contrast to pharmaceuticals, approval is less strictly regulated.
Conclusion: Your body does not need zeolites
There is no scientific evidence that zeolite has a detoxifying or health-promoting effect, as zeolite products and their side effects have not been sufficiently studied to date. In addition, zeolite products are often contaminated with harmful substances. Always inform yourself about new products using reputable sources such as the consumer advice center or consult a pharmacist.
So-called detox products are sold in large quantities in the form of creams, juices or patches, among other things. However, these expensively marketed remedies are not necessary because you can detoxify your body completely naturally and without expensive aids.
Read more on Techzle\.com:
- Vitamin B12: Deficiency, foods and supplements
- Fasting correctly: Instructions and tips for healthy fasting
- Digital Detox: 8 tips to consciously go offline
Edited by Annika Reketat
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