iPad Pro 2021: 7 expectations for the best iPad of the year

The best iPad of 2021 is just around the corner, but what’s new compared to last year? We have listed our seven expectations for the iPad Pro 2021.

iPad Pro 2021 expectations: the rumors mapped

Probably he will Tuesday evening April 20 at 7:00 PM Dutch time announced: the iPad Pro 2021. The best iPad of this year has already been leaked many times, so we know roughly what to expect.

1. Unchanged design

The iPad Pro was given a new design in 2018, but in 2021 it is not yet time to change this. The iPad Pro ushered in a new era in Apple product design, which the iPhone 12 only switched to last year.

The MacBook Pro would also follow this year with a new design, using harder and flatter edges. So don’t count on the iPad Pro 2021 to look different from its predecessor.

The only change in appearance would be that the tablet becomes slightly smaller and thicker. This would indicate that the iPad gets a larger battery and therefore lasts longer.

2. The same camera

The big improvement of the iPad Pro 2020 was the new dual camera lens with a LiDAR scanner. With this scanner, the iPad can create a 3D map of your surroundings and make augmented reality apps work much better.

Last year, this turned out to be an investment for the future: there are still not many apps that actually use the scanner. That’s why we expect Apple to leave the 2021 model’s camera unchanged, especially since it’s still miles ahead of the competition right now.

3. Switch to mini LED

This year’s big improvement will most likely be the iPad Pro 2021 screen. Unlike the iPhones, the iPad Pro still has an LCD display.

iPad Pro

This year it will be different when the tablet switches to mini-LED, a new screen technology that can show better images with a higher contrast. In addition, mini-LED is cheaper to produce and the panels have a longer lifespan.

4. New Apple Pencil?

A week ago, the striking rumor surfaced that Apple would be working on a new Apple Pencil. The Pencil hasn’t been updated since 2018, but it’s not clear what improvements the company would like to make.

A leaked photo would show the new Pencil, which shows a design that resembles a mix between the glossy first generation Pencil and the second generation with a flat edge.

5.5G support

As the name suggests, the iPad Pro is Apple’s tablet for professional users. Now that 5G is slowly but surely also becoming the standard in the Netherlands, we expect the iPad Pro 2021 to be the first iPad that can connect to this network. The tablet thus follows the iPhone 12.

According to a rumor, the tablet would support the mmWave band: the faster variant of 5G that is unfortunately hardly available in the Netherlands. So it remains to be seen whether Apple chooses to release a different version of the iPad in Europe.

6. Available at the end of April

Normally, the first Apple event of the year always takes place in March. 2021 is an exception to the rule, as Apple recently sent out invitations for April 20.

During a digital keynote, which can be followed live via YouTube, the company will probably announce several products. The iPad Pro 2021 is probably also included. There is a good chance that it will be available soon.

7. Same price as iPad Pro 2020

With few groundbreaking changes being made this year besides the mini LED display, we expect Apple to keep the price of the iPad Pro 2021 at the same level as last year. Again, two formats will appear with different storage capacity options. If the prices stay the same, it would mean the following:

11 inch iPad Pro 2021

  • 128GB: 898.50 euros
  • 256GB: 1,008.50 euros
  • 512GB: 1228.50 euros
  • 1TB: 1448.50 euros

12.9 inch iPad Pro 2021

  • 128GB: 1118.50 euros
  • 256GB: 1228.50 euros
  • 512GB: 1,448.50 euros
  • 1TB: 1668.50 euros

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→ Also read: Apple event: 9 expectations for the first Apple event in 2021

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