Europe’s best-known winter meeting, the Elefantentreffen in the Bavarian Black Forest, has been canceled for the second year in a row due to COVID-19.
The organizer of the Elefantentreffen, the Bundesverband der Motorradfahrer, has been forced to cancel the rustic event in 2022. There is no chance of approval from the Freyung Grafenau district, even if the 2G conditions are met.
The Elefantentreffen was first organized in 1956 and has been taking place for more than 30 years in the so-called Hexenkessel von Loh near Thurmansbang (about 100 km south-east of Regensburg). About 3,000 hardy motorcyclists gather to camp and celebrate.
In the early years, the Elefantentreffen quickly built up a reputation as the most extreme motorcycle event, due to the extreme weather conditions. Snow and frost was very normal in those days.
After the cancellations in 2021 and 2022, the next elephant gathering will hopefully take place from January 27-29, 2023. It would be the 65th meeting since it first took place at Solitude near Stuttgart in 1956.
– Thanks for information from Motorfreaks.