With the increase in the number of (partly) electric cars, other future problems are simultaneously growing. What about all the batteries that will soon be used up? In France, recycling expert SNAM draws attention to the challenges it faces.
According to the French Le Parisien SNAM is preparing for the major upheavals that await us in the coming years. The French company is one of the greatest experts in the field of recycling. SNAM already has a lot of experience with the special recycling of batteries. The toxic and rare acids must be recycled properly.
Christel Bories is chairman of the company’s strategic committee and rings the bell. “We expect around 50,000 tons of batteries to be recycled across Europe by 2027. However, by 2035 we expect a dizzying multiplication to 700,000 tons. ” Today, it only concerns 15,000 tons of batteries across Europe.
The French government has demanded that 50 percent of lithium-ion batteries be recycled. The SNAM director says his company is currently at more than 70 percent. With 120 employees, SNAM ensures that 600 tons of batteries are recycled from electrified cars at a distance of 20 kilometers from Lyon. So there is a huge job to do to recycle all current and future batteries from EVs and hybrids in the coming years.