ABN AMRO customers are now taking money out of the wall with their phone

ABN AMRO customers are now taking money out of the wall with their phone

ABN AMRO makes the debit card superfluous for those who want to withdraw cash at the payment terminal. From now on you can identify yourself at Geldmaat ATMs with the app and a QR code, but there is also an alternative that works via the NFC chip of your phone.

*Update 9/21 at 3:15 PM: we also asked for a response from ING and Rabobank, the two other partners of Geldmaat. The comments have been added to this article.

Withdraw money with your phone

Plastic debit cards are becoming less and less important. Not only can we pay contactless with our smartphone, but now it is also possible to withdraw money from an ATM without a debit card. It works at the Geldmaat ATMs for ABN AMRO customers.

A QR code will appear on the payment terminal that you can scan in the ABN AMRO Mobile Banking app. Then log in on your phone as usual. This can be done via a code or via biometric authentication: your fingerprint scanner or facial recognition. After that, you only choose the desired amount on the Geldmaat and you will then receive it in cash. You can withdraw up to 500 euros per day with this method.

ABN AMRO customers are now taking money out of the wall with their phone (Update)
The Money Mate

NFC payments

Yet Geldmaat is also working on another way to withdraw money with your phone, and that via the NFC chip of your phone, just like you pay in stores. That knows NU.nl. Geldmaat states that this alternative will become more widely available in early 2022. At the moment, the machines in question are already equipped with the necessary chip readers, but they are not working for the time being.

At ABN AMRO, they say they keep a close eye on the new services of money size. It is also known that Rabobank and ING also work with these terminals. Until recently, it was not possible at these banks to withdraw money without a debit card.

Rabobank and ING

In addition to AMB AMRO, Geldmaat also has ING and Rabobank as partners, but the position is not yet active at these banks. We asked for a response. “We always keep an eye on the latest innovations and take a lot of initiative to promote contactless payment with the smartphone, but at the moment we do not offer this function yet,” says Karin van der Pol, spokeswoman for ING Netherlands to Androidworld.

When we asked for this position at Rabobank, we heard that the bank had only received few questions about this from its customers for the time being. “As soon as we notice that there is interest from our customers, we will definitely do something with it. At the moment the function only works for Mastercard customers, and we would like such a function for cash withdrawal without debit card for Visa customers as well. This will probably be in the form of a more user-friendly solution via NFC,” explains Eric Lagerwey, spokesperson for Rabobank.

Since this year it is also possible to pay at ABN AMRO with Google Pay. What do you think? Do you think the smartphone is the means of payment of the future, and do you find it useful that you can also withdraw cash with your phone? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this article.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld.

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