Paid parking soon at areas Natuurmonumenten

Motorists who visit certain nature reserves of Natuurmonumenten must pay parking fees, the association confirms on Tuesday after news from RTV Oost.

The proceeds are used for the management of the nature reserves. “The management of our nature reserves is expensive. That is why we ask everyone to help keep nature special”, writes Natuurmonumenten on its website. Natuurmonumenten is currently investigating where parking costs will be introduced. The Hackfort estate in Vorden has the scoop: visitors will have to pay 1.75 euros per hour from next summer, up to a maximum of 7 euros per day. This rate will apply to all nature reserves where parking fees are introduced.

A spokesperson for Natuurmonumenten says that it is still necessary to determine this year where the specific parking will apply. However, the project has been delayed by the corona crisis and may be even more delayed. Parking remains free for members of Natuurmonumenten.


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