Doing a first aid course: Why you should do it – more than once in a lifetime

Doing a first aid course: Why you should do it – more than once in a lifetime
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / JamesRein

A first aid course can save lives in the long run. You can find out here how often and where you can do it and what content is conveyed to you.

In a first aid course, you will learn what to do if people around you are in mortal danger, for example due to a heart attack or an accident. Unfortunately, many people in Germany are poorly informed about this. This is also reflected in the statistics: According to a survey by the resuscitation register of the German Society for Anaesthesiology (DGAI), only 15 percent of Germans are willing to provide first aid in an emergency. According to the mirror, around 10,000 people die every year, who might have survived with the right first aid.

This shows how important it is to regularly attend a first aid course. Because only if you know what to do are you brave and competent enough to act in an emergency.

First aid course: how often?

Many people take the first aid course once for their driver’s license and then never refresh it again. Because for the driver’s license the course is valid for life, so to speak. However, in order to really be able to intervene as a first aider, you should refresh and practice your knowledge regularly.

Mandatory: If you are registered as a company first aider, it is therefore your duty to attend first aid training at least every two years. In Germany, the number of company first-aiders is precisely defined for each company, kindergarten, school or university. The professional association usually bears the costs for the courses and further training. Depending on the size of the company, they may even take place directly at your workplace.

Voluntary: But even if you are perhaps not needed as a company first aider, it is advisable, according to Allianz, to refresh the first aid course, especially for car and motorcyclists, about every two to three years. For this, you should inquire about voluntary refresher courses in your area. Often you can even select specific topics that are of particular interest to you (e.g. behavior after an accident).

Costs: According to Allianz, the costs for a voluntary course are around 20 to 40 euros.

What will you learn in the first aid course?

In the first aid course you will learn how to save lives in an emergency.
In the first aid course you will learn how to save lives in an emergency.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / geralt)

According to the DRK, you will learn as part of a course:

  • how to secure an accident scene,
  • protect yourself and others after an accident,
  • how to care for wounds, fractures and other injuries,
  • what to do in case of burns, heat and cold injuries,
  • how to react to poisoning and chemical burns
  • and the implementation of life-saving emergency measures (stable lateral position / resuscitation).

    duration and provider

    You can do a regular first aid course over one or more days. It always consists of nine units of 45 minutes each.

    In Germany, first aid courses are organized by the German Red Cross (DRK), the Johanniter, the ADAC and the Malteser. On the websites of these providers, you can usually simply search for the nearest course with your postcode.


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