Who Wrote the Bible?

Who wrote the Bible scriptures long ago?

Asker: Jan, 43 years old


Many Bible books are anonymous, and of the forty known authors known by name, most of the texts have been heavily edited. The attribution of some texts (particularly the Gospels and the Acts) is also strongly questioned – it gave them more authority that they were written by apostles eyewitnesses or their immediate associates. It is also not certain whether those known Old Testament authors were also historical figures – simply due to a lack of other sources from that period (of roughly 1500 years!). Of those forty authors, we do know that they are all male names, of Jewish descent (except for the evangelist Luke), with a reasonably high level of education and reading.

Who Wrote the Bible?

Answered by

Dr. Karl Catteeuw

History of upbringing and education, Romanian, music

Catholic University of Leuven
Old Market 13 3000 Leuven


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