The benefits of a 5G SIM only subscription for your iPhone

5G already creates value in various important sectors that depend on the low latency, increased bandwidth and higher speeds. For example, a Swedish mine has reduced the costs for drilling and explosives by 1 percent by implementing 5G-controlled automation systems. A European Ford factory uses 5G for an application with human gesture recognition and virtual reality to improve the efficiency of the production line.

In addition, one 5G SIM only subscription Of course also affordable for iPhone users. Such a subscription brings many plus points, below you will find a few examples of this. This way you know for sure that it is better for your iPhone to take out a 5G SIM only subscription!

Reduced latency

5G offers advantages such as a reduced latency, which is especially useful for data-intensive and mission-critical applications. The term latency refers to the time it takes to send data and may even be more important than speed. With 5G technology, the latency can be as low as 1 millisecond. That is 250 times faster than a person can respond to visual stimuli, so pretty fast, to express it softly. This ultralage latency makes it possible for autonomous vehicles, remote operations and advanced robotics to respond almost directly to commands.

High -speed

How fast is 5G? This question is often asked, but the answer is difficult to give. The short answer is that the speed of 5G depends on various factors, such as your location, the number of people connected to the network, the type 5G network that you use and the 5G device that you have. National networks mainly rely on low-band 5G, although some providers accelerate the rollout of mid-band 5G. Mid-band 5G can send large amounts of data over considerable distances and offers higher speeds than low-band 5G. High-band MMWAVE 5G delivers extremely high download speeds, but because the radio signals are difficult to penetrate obstacles and do not cover large distances, this technology is especially suitable for specific locations. Sportstadions are a good example of this.

The benefits of a 5G SIM only subscription for your iPhone

Edge Slicing

5G Edge Slicing enables mobile operators to split their network into several Virtual Private Networks, so that they can better serve industrial and business customers with different needs. The advantage of 5G Edge Slicing Is that a slice can be used flexibly. For example, organizations can assign a slice to one base station, limited to a campus, a city area or even a larger area. These Virtual Private Network slices isolate the internet traffic and critical company data, which guarantees the security of company information. Edge Slicing is ideal for applications that require low latency and high bandwidth, whereby the performance of devices and applications are crucial.


The bandwidth of 5G consists of three important frequency ties, each of which offer their own benefits. The speed and range of 5G radio signals depend on the spectrum in which they operate. The three tires are the low-band, mid-band and high-band. Low-band 5G includes frequencies between 600 MHz and 1 GHz. Mid-band 5G covers the range from 1 GHz to 6 GHz and includes the C-band, which runs from 3.7 to 3.98 GHz. The high-band frequencies are in the millimeter wave spectrum and vary from 24 to 39 GHz. Although high-band 5G is only effective over short distances and without obstacles, it can achieve speeds of 10 Gbps under optimum conditions.

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