How to lock Netflix with a PIN


Recently it has been possible to lock your Netflix profile with a pin code, so that other people within the subscription (the account) cannot access your content and preferences. In this article we explain how to set the code.

While the brand new option was initially created under parental controls, you can of course use it to prevent other people from messing with your recommendations. Or make sure you suddenly miss a series episode. Whatever your reason for locking your account: this is how you enable the PIN for your Netflix account.

Set Netflix PIN

Enable Netflix account PIN

You can only do this within a web browser, not through any of the Netflix apps. If you are logged into your account, go to your profile icon at the top right of the page. Press it and then choose Account. On the page, scroll to Profile and Parental Controls. Here are the profiles to the right of your account. Click on your own profile and then click Profile lock.

In the next screen you have to enter your password again, but if you have a password manager you can have it done automatically. Now tick that you now want your profile to require a PIN before you can access it. Choose four digits (make sure you have a unique number that you do not use elsewhere, such as your bank card). If you also want to prevent other people from just creating a different profile within your account, you can also check the box at the bottom. This prevents that that just happens; that is only possible with your pin code.

Set Netflix PIN

Once you’ve set the PIN for your Netflix profile, you’ll need to use that code every time you want to watch something, regardless of the device or app you’re looking at. If you only have one profile on your account, Netflix will not ask for a code. That only happens from two profiles.

This is not a two-step verification, nor does it replace it. This is purely to prevent someone from just viewing your profile within the account they already have access to.

While any profile within an account can be given a PIN, only the owner of the account can set the code. The owner can also be the only one to remove such a code without the permission of the profile owner.

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