Apple releases web version of Apple Maps, use Maps directly in your browser

For over twelve years, iPhone users have been able to use Apple Maps on their device. Over the years, iPad, Mac and even Apple Watch have been added. The maps are of high quality, but could not be used in a web browser, until now.

Apple has put the first version of their Maps app online. This allows you to use Apple Maps in almost all browsers. Handy if you do not have access to the standard Apple apps. Companies can also add Apple Maps to their website.

Apple Maps Web Version

At the time of writing, the web version of Apple Maps still in beta. This means that Apple is still testing the online Maps, but the general public can already get started with it.

The design and functions of the online version of Apple Maps are the same as those of the app. However, you will still miss some parts, such as the functions with 360-degree panoramas (flyover) and 3D view will only come to the web version in the coming months.

Apple releases web version of Apple Maps, use Maps directly in your browser

In addition, it is not yet possible to log in with your Apple Account. This means you cannot use your saved favorites and guides. You also cannot yet change the language and units of measurement in Maps.

Browser support

Apple Maps currently supports Safari and Chrome web browsers for Mac and iPad. On a Windows computer, you can use Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. In the future, Apple plans to support even more languages, browsers, and platforms.

More extensive in the future

The intention is that all functions that are present in the iPhone, iPad and Mac application, can also be found in the web version of Maps. With the introduction, Apple is further increasing the competition with Google Maps. You can find the web version of Apple Maps at

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