Apple Watch detects 29-year-old’s blood clot while she sleeps

Always wearing your Apple Watch can save your life by detecting a dangerous blood clot while you sleep, for example. 29-year-old Kimmie Watkins experienced this firsthand.

Apple Watch detects blood clot

Kimmie says she owes her life to her Apple Watch. She recently helped doctors discover a life-threatening blood clot in her lungs. Without Apple Watch, she might not even have woken up.

Kimmie was not feeling well earlier that day. She was dizzy and short of breath. Since she hadn’t eaten much, she thought it had something to do with that. She decided to lie down for a while, but after about an hour and a half of sleep, her Apple Watch woke her up because her heart rate had been way too high for over ten minutes.

Also read: Apple Watch saves a woman’s life with fall detection


A life-threatening blood clot

Her heart rate peaked at a whopping 178. That’s a value only achieved by athletes during peak performance. So Kimmie made it while she slept. In the hospital she was diagnosed with equestrian embolism, a very dangerous blood clot, partly discovered by her Apple Watch.

Dr. Becker, a cardiologist at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Medicine explains that this condition has a survival rate of only 50 percent. It was therefore vital that Kimmie was warned in time.

Apple Watch detects atrial fibrillation

In atrial fibrillation (also known as atrial fibrillation), the heart beats irregularly and usually faster, often at more than 100 beats per minute, when you are not even exerting yourself. An Apple Watch can detect it and make sure it doesn’t lead to dangerous conditions like strokes, blood clots and heart failure.

Many people who experience atrial fibrillation are not aware of this. As a result, the condition is often not treated in time. This is where the Apple Watch can really make a difference. Kimmie says she wears her Apple Watch with pride and hopes her positive experience encourages people to do the same. Perhaps a good time to get our Apple Watch price comparison:

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