Naturally, you want to be as economical as possible with your MacBook and iPhone. There is a chance that you use these devices several times every day. It is therefore not an unnecessary luxury to properly insure these devices. Or, are these devices actually already included as standard with the home insurance? Let us explain it to you below.
What is home insurance?
A home insurance policy is an insurance policy that includes contents and buildings insurance. It is always advisable to take out home insurance so that your belongings are properly insured. It is good to know the differences between these two insurance policies, home contents and buildings insurance. Home contents insurance is insurance that covers damage to items that are ‘loose’ in your home. In this case, this concerns, for example, the sofa, the television, the carpet and also your laptop and telephone.
Home insurance covers the items that are ‘stuck’ in your home. Consider, for example, the kitchen, the bathroom and all other items that you cannot easily move.
Are my MacBook and iPhone covered by home contents insurance?
Do you want good you insure electronics? Then it is of course important to delve deeper into this. You may be wondering what home insurance covers this topic.
As was just mentioned, home contents insurance covers the items that are loose in your home. The telephone and laptop are also separate parts of the home. If something happens to your MacBook or iPhone at home, you can contact your home contents insurance for damage. But there are a number of snags to this. The exact coverage of the insurance naturally varies per insurer. It is therefore always wise to check the rules regarding coverage of your insurer. In some cases you may have to take out additional insurance before you get anything covered. It is always important to properly insure your electronic devices, so that you are not faced with any surprises if damage occurs.
It is also good to know that your home contents insurance only applies if things happen in your home. For example, if you are on holiday with your laptop and your laptop breaks down, you cannot contact your home contents insurance for this. Therefore, always read the small print to see whether the insurance covers the damage in your situation.
More tips to be economical with your MacBook and iPhone
It makes sense that your MacBook and iPhone are precious devices of yours. That is why it is smart to use this sparingly, as was just mentioned. Below we list more tips on how you can enjoy your MacBook and iPhone for as long as possible.
1. A cover
You can buy a case for both the MacBook and iPhone. This protects the device against scratches and can also withstand a blow. Of course, you don’t want the screen to crack immediately if, for example, you drop your phone. In addition, a case on your laptop and phone looks nice, and you can recognize your devices at a glance.
2. Cleaning
It is important to keep both the inside and outside of the laptop and phone clean. For example, make sure that the keyboard of your laptop is dust-free and that no crumbs get in between it. In addition, it is smart to regularly clean the charging point of your phone and laptop from dust. It is also wise to clean your devices regularly, for example by deleting old photos and apps that you no longer use. This way you can ensure that the devices continue to work quickly.