Banana for diarrhea: This is why it can help you

Banana for diarrhea: This is why it can help you
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / t_watanabe

A banana for diarrhea is a well-known home remedy. You can find out in this article why the fruit actually works reliably against diarrhea.

Diarrhea can occur as a symptom of various illnesses. People with a gastrointestinal infection or food poisoning are particularly often affected. Diarrhea can also occur as a result of stress.

The symptoms usually go away on their own after a few days. To support healing and relieve symptoms, it is recommended to pay attention to the right diet. Eating a banana when you have diarrhea can help solidify your stool and compensate for electrolyte loss.

Note: If the diarrhea is accompanied by circulatory problems, cramping abdominal pain or blood in the stool, you should seek medical advice as quickly as possible. This also applies if it has not subsided after a few days or if it occurs chronically.

Banana for diarrhea: The fruit has these benefits

Bananas are a popular home remedy for gastrointestinal problems, especially diarrhea – and for good reason. Here are the key properties that make bananas an effective remedy for diarrhea:

  1. High content of pectin: Pectin is a fiber found in high concentrations in bananas. The soluble fiber acts like a sponge in the intestines: it absorbs fluid and helps to firm up the stool. This makes pectin particularly helpful if the stool is too runny due to diarrhea.

  2. Rich in resistant starch: Unripe bananas also provide the body with resistant starch. This also helps to slow down digestion and firm the stool.

  3. Rich in potassium: When you have diarrhea, the body not only loses water, but also important electrolytes, especially potassium. Potassium is crucial for regulating fluid balance and the function of muscles and nerves. Bananas are rich in potassium, helping to compensate for electrolyte loss caused by diarrhea and restoring balance in the body.

  4. Gentle effect on the stomach: Bananas are easy to digest and do not put additional strain on an irritated stomach. They are therefore considered an important part of a light diet.

  5. Healthy calories: Due to their high natural sugar content, bananas provide quick energy that the body can use during recovery. When diarrhea occurs, many people feel exhausted and weak. The easily digestible carbohydrates in bananas can help you regain your strength.

Banana for diarrhea: what level of ripeness?

A banana for diarrhea is an effective home remedy for the symptoms.
A banana for diarrhea is an effective home remedy for the symptoms.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / pcdazero)

The degree of ripeness of the banana plays a crucial role in optimizing its effect on diarrhea. Depending on the ripeness, the composition of the ingredients changes:

  • Unripe banana (greenish-yellow): Unripe or half-ripe bananas contain more starch, especially resistant starch. This has a positive effect on diarrhea as it helps to firm up the stool.

  • Ripe banana (yellow with brown spots): A fully ripe banana is softer, sweeter and contains more sugar because the starch converts to sugar during the ripening process.

In both cases, bananas are rich in pectin, potassium and other minerals. However, unripe bananas are more difficult for some people to digest. They can cause flatulence and stomach pain, especially in larger quantities. If you already suffer from diarrhea, this could make your symptoms even worse. In this case, it is more advisable to consume ripe bananas.

However, if you are not normally sensitive to unripe bananas, there is nothing wrong with using them even if you have diarrhea.

You can find out more about this topic here: Eating green bananas: Is it healthy or does it make your stomach ache?

Read more on Techzle\.com:

  • Grated apple: A simple home remedy for diarrhea
  • Diarrhea during your period? Reasons and what you can do
  • Rice mucus for diarrhea: This is how you prepare the home remedy

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