Beware of fake customer service

fake customer service

Make sure you have the right customer service on the phone as there are scammers lurking.

If there is a problem with your computer, smartphone or software, it is a logical step to contact customer service. But beware: there are people who abuse this. Roughly speaking, there are two types of scams:

  • You get a call from someone who claims to be a customer service representative. There is supposedly a problem with your account or device. The scammer then asks for login details or personal details. For more information, see the tip “Microsoft never calls!”
  • You call a number that turns out not to belong to the actual company at all. This is because these companies advertise via, for example, Google and appear in the search results earlier than the company you are actually looking for. Sometimes they charge a fee for a service that is actually free.

To reduce the chance of being scammed, keep the following in mind:

  • Always call yourself.
  • Go to the website of the company you want to reach and look at the contact page there.
  • Avoid websites that are specifically geared towards cancellation or termination. Here, a payment is often requested for a free service.
  • Never give a password or PIN.
  • Some big companies like Google and Microsoft have no customer service at all. For example, if you have computer problems, you can also call in SeniorWeb for help.
  • Never just transfer money.
  • Be alert if the person on the phone only speaks English.
  • If you don’t trust it, hang up and make sure you have the correct contact details.

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