Have you just bought your new iPad? Here are 5 parameters to modify immediately!

We explain to you what to configure on your new iPad © Mathieu Grumiaux for Clubic

We explain to you what to configure on your new iPad © Mathieu Grumiaux for Clubic

With Apple recently releasing two new tablets, an iPad Air and an iPad Pro, here’s a small list of useful settings to set when you get your new iPad.

Buying a new device is always an exciting moment, whether to replace an old model or to discover a new world, in this case, that of Apple. However, before you can fully enjoy your new iPad, it is essential to properly configure it according to your needs and preferences.

There are many parameters to take into account from the first use, but there are some very practical ones that you don’t necessarily think of at first. In this tutorial, Clubic offers you five settings to modify to optimize your user experience.

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June 7, 2024 at 10:35 a.m.


1. Activate Stage Manager

Stage Manager is a feature introduced with iPadOS 16. It rethinks the way you use multiple apps simultaneously on an iPad by allowing open app windows to be arranged on the side of the screen, while the current app is running. use remains central. This tool offers the possibility of switching from one application to another very fluidly, which is ideal for multitasking and increasing productivity.

Go to settings, then select “Multitasking and gestures”

After doing this, simply click on Stage Manager to activate the feature.

© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic

© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic

2. Enable picture-in-picture (IDI) mode

IDI, or Picture-in-Picture in English, allows you to continue watching a video in a small floating window, while using other applications in the background on your iPad. For example, you can follow an online course while taking notes, or watch a film while writing a document. The video window always stays on top, and can be resized and moved anywhere on the screen. This feature is also very useful for video calls.

In settings, stay in “Multitasking and gestures”, then activate “Launch IDI automatically”

For this parameter, you will not need to change the section in the settings menu. Picture-in-picture mode can indeed be adjusted just below the Stage Manager.

© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic

© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic

3. Allow Large App Icons

This feature is exclusive to the iPadOS experience and is purely cosmetic. You can choose to use small application icons, or larger ones, depending on your preference. This setting is especially relevant if you place widgets on your home screen, because your apps look less tiny next to them.

In settings, go to “Home screen and app library”, activate “Use large app icons”

You can, of course, deactivate the feature whenever you want. We advise you to test both options in order to choose the one you prefer.

© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic

© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic

4. Turn off notifications when screen sharing

You can mirror your iPad screen on a television or Mac, a useful feature for watching a film or series, but also in a professional context. We therefore advise you to disable notifications when screen sharing. This allows you not to be bothered and to avoid potential embarrassing situations…

In settings, go to “Notifications”, then to “Screen sharing”

iPad settings - notifications © © Mathilde Rochefort for ClubiciPad settings - notifications © © Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic

Turn off “Allow notifications”

© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic

© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic

5. Determine your Pencil gestures (if you have one)

For Apple Pencil owners, you can program it to perform specific gestures from the bottom left or right corners of the iPad’s screen, similar to a MacBook’s trackpad.

In settings, go to Apple Pencil, then in the “Pencil gestures” box

Here you can choose, at your convenience, which gesture triggers which action. For example, the bottom left corner can trigger a screenshot, while the bottom right corner can start quick note taking, and vice versa.

© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic

© Mathilde Rochefort for Clubic

Source : PCMag

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