CBR site down on first day with new measures

The Central Bureau for Driving Certificates (CBR) has an overload on the website on Monday morning. People were able to re-register for theoretical driving license exams from 6am, but were unable to access the site. The exams had previously been halted due to government corona measures.

The front page of the CBR site hardly loads on Monday morning. If the page does load, the visitor will see in a message that there is a malfunction. “As a result of the partially lifted corona measures, it is currently much busier than usual on cbr.nl and Mijn CBR”, the text says. “This makes the site load much slower or not. We recommend that you try it at a quieter time. We hope for your understanding. We understand that everyone wants to reserve their theory exam as soon as possible.”

A spokesperson confirms that this is an overload of the website. From Monday 6:00 am students had to be able to register for theory exams again. They were previously dropped due to the outbreak of COVID-19. On May 13, candidates must again be able to take theory exams in all categories at the CBR. Practical exams, which were also suspended, will resume on May 18. The CBR says it has strict hygiene regulations. That is faster than initially expected.

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