Google has announced that Chrome will no longer support older Windows versions. In early 2023, users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 will no longer receive Chrome updates and therefore no security patches.
Chrome for Windows 7 and 8.1
Users who still have an old version of Windows get an extra incentive to upgrade their PC. Their Chrome browser will no longer receive support from January 14, 2023. So the browser no longer gets new functions and the necessary security updates also stop.
Chrome will continue to work, Google emphasizes in a post on the Chrome Help forum. From then on it is still possible to continue using the browser, but in principle you run a risk with the security of your browser. Vulnerabilities are fixed with every Chrome update.
The first update that no longer appears on Windows 7 and 8.1 is version 110 of Google Chrome. That update is scheduled for February 7. It is no coincidence that support for these versions of Windows is ending, because Microsoft previously also announced that it will end support for Windows 7 and 8.1 on January 10.
More Chrome News
What we can expect from Chrome version 110 is not yet known. Recently, Google has proposed a slew of Chrome enhancements for tablets. On the other hand, the Android app has already received the necessary preparations so that users will soon be able to log in to websites without a password.
On Androidworld, we recently wrote about a dubious survey of the most popular browsers that found Chrome to be the most vulnerable, as Google discovered the most vulnerabilities this year. We explain here why that conclusion is wrong and why we rather assume the opposite.
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– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source