Life is never boring for John Vanderaart. Enough happens to deliver a short column every week. Instead of in the weekend, John Vanderaart’s weekly column can now be read on Fridays on This time, John is talking about family parties and his previous column was about replacing his wife’s six-year-old laptop.

Last Sunday I was allowed to (…) visit a family party. Somewhere in a polder on a piece of land. There was a tent, the bottles of drinks/drinks were in tubs full of ice, the catering was done from large paella pans. So far so good. Uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters… Even Australia and New Zealand were represented.

To be honest, it was really nice to see everyone again. With aunt Nellie it is nice to gossip, little Martijn has become big Martijn in the meantime, uncle Keesie (89) is the tireless host… Again, so far so good.

However, I went crazy with the selfies and group photos. In the past, you hired a guy with a (digital) camera. That guy would take pictures for half an hour: “And that was it, Keesie (89)!” Now everyone has a mobile phone, so everyone spends the entire afternoon taking pictures. And texting! Ergo, texting the other people present.

I’ve seen myself pass by hundreds of times… When I finally drove home, tired and photographed, I looked in the mirror one more time. To see that Keesie (89) was waving goodbye and quickly took a last snapshot. A few seconds later my mobile phone beeped. Another app from Keesie (89)…

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I was going crazy with all those family photos…