Large electric cars not yet
Despite subsidies, electric cars are usually more expensive at the bottom of the line than comparable models with a fuel engine. That will change in a few years for compact EVs, the IEA expects.
It will probably only be a few years before many electric cars are as expensive as comparable fuel models. At least that is the expectation of the International Energy Agency (IEA). “We now expect cost parity in compact and midsize EVs in North American and European markets in the mid-20s,” said Timar Guell of the IEA. Autonews.
As can be seen from Guel’s words, it does not yet apply to all electric cars. We should also probably see a bit of a caveat with ‘medium size’. Guell argues that cost equality in SUVs and pick-ups may not materialize until sometime in the 1930s. The fact that it takes longer for larger cars is logically related to the fact that they usually also have larger batteries. In that sense you could say; the smaller the battery, the faster the cost parity is likely to occur.
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