Thanks to artificial intelligence, it is now possible to chat with Jesus via Whatsapp during the Christian holiday of Pentecost. The GPT-4 chatbot JesusPT was launched just before Easter by the Dutch AI startup Watermelon, is now used worldwide and is so far the most used for confession.

The chatbot is now used in more than forty countries, including the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Hong Kong, Brazil, Kenya and India. Users ask questions about bible passages or ask for messages from God on a daily basis. They also ask for an explanation of the Bible or of faith. Confessing sins ‘scores’ the highest and asks for forgiveness or help. Some non-serious questions are also asked. In total, more than 15,000 questions have already been asked.

Chatbot with personality
What sets the Jesus chatbot apart from all other chatbots is that this bot is designed with the features of Jesus. The answers show empathy and compassion. In addition, the chatbot has theological knowledge, offers spiritual guidance and understands contextual information. The bot was created through Watermelon Pulse’s system which uses the same technology used by ChatGPT.
“We created this chatbot to test the capabilities of the chatbot and we like to do this during holidays so that it also offers something extra for the user. In the past we already made a Sintbot, which will definitely be added in the future will be followed up with the more advanced GPT-4, and this time we wanted to try something for Easter and Pentecost,” said Alexander Wijninga, founder of Watermelon.

There is the possibility to chat with JesusPT 24/7 via +31 85 401 6312.

Pentecost Chat JesusPT