Consult dynamic suggestions from HomeKit devices and Home via control panel

Anyone who owns Smart Home devices can use dynamic Home and HomeKit suggestions in the control panel. The software then suggests smart tiles for smart devices and scenes based on time and use.

Since iOS 18 and iPadOS 18, you can even use one or more pages in the control panel that you can completely fill with controls for your smart Home. This way you can quickly control your HomeKit devices or other accessories in the Home app. If you don’t like the suggestions? Then you can of course disable this.

Home suggestions in the Control Panel

Since iOS 14 and iPadOS 14, you can use dynamic suggestions in Control Center for iPhone or iPad. The panel makes smart suggestions for your Home weather data. These include HomeKit devices, but of course also Matter accessories. The dynamic recommendations are shown based on the time of day and how often you normally use them.

Consult dynamic suggestions from HomeKit devices and Home via control panel

Automatically adjusted and dynamic

The suggestions for your Home always relate to the most relevant accessories and scenarios that you probably want to arrange at that moment. For example, morning scenes and specific devices are shown when you get up and controls for your door lock and outdoor lighting when you go to sleep at night.

Using the permanent Home button, you can immediately consult all your favorite devices, scenes and rooms directly from the control panel, without having to open the Home app.

Manage home controls

Starting with iOS 18 and iPadOS 18, you can easily adjust the home controls in the control panel and you can even create one or more pages complete with shortcuts to your Matter and HomeKit accessories.

  • Open the control panel
  • Place your finger on an empty space
  • Choose ‘Add a controller’
  • Search for Property and add it
Consult dynamic suggestions from HomeKit devices and Home via control panel

By default, iOS and iPadOS create a separate page just for Home, which you can edit by changing the size of the slider, adding more or adjusting the layout. Of course you can also create multiple pages. You can choose dynamic controls that change automatically or fixed shortcuts.

Have you installed a software version between iOS/iPadOS 14 and iPadOS/iOS 17? You will then find two rows of dynamic home suggestions in the control panel. You cannot adjust these controls.

Disable home suggestions in Control Center

Don’t want to use the dynamic suggestions in the Control Center? Then you can delete them. We have explained how to do this step by step in the highlighted article below.

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