Create shortcut in Windows

shortcut-thumb Do you always want to have a file, folder, program or website at hand? Then make it a shortcut on the Desktop.

It makes sense to put programs, folders, files and websites that you use regularly on the Desktop. With a double click on the icon you go directly to the right place. The shortcut can of course also be removed again. This is how it works:

  • Windows 10: right click on the shortcut > remove.
  • Windows 11: Right click on the shortcut. Then click on the icon at the top remove (the bin).

Only the shortcut will disappear, not the actual file.

How to put a folder, file or program on the Desktop:

  • Right-click on an empty spot on the Desktop.
  • click on New > Shortcut.
  • click on To leaf through.
  • Browse to the folder, program, or document you want to create a shortcut for and click it.
  • click on OK.
  • click on Next one.
  • Change the name of the shortcut if necessary and click Complete.

Creating a shortcut to a website is largely the same. It is useful to visit the website first to copy the web address (url).

  • In the browser, go to the website you want as a shortcut.
  • Click on the address bar, select the entire address and press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C (the shortcut for copying).
  • Go to the Desktop and right click on an empty space.
  • click on New > Shortcut.
  • Click the empty space next to ‘Enter the location of the item’ and press Ctrl+V (the shortcut key for pasting) on ​​your keyboard.
  • click on Next one.
  • Edit the name and click Complete.

A shortcut to the website appears on the Desktop, with the default browser logo as an image.

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