Digestive problems cause pain and discomfort and can severely limit us in everyday life. How they are caused and what you can do about indigestion can be found here.
Digestive problems: symptoms
Digestive problems can relate to very different organs and can be felt in different ways. We usually use the term to refer to gastrointestinal complaints. Typical symptoms are among other:
- stomach pain
- Flatulence
- Nausea and vomiting
- diarrhea or constipation
Possible causes of digestive problems
The causes of digestive problems can also vary widely. For example, if you suffer from nausea, gushing vomiting, diarrhea, and body aches, one could Norovirus infection be the reason. This is often harmless and disappears after a few days. If some of the symptoms appear again and again or to a very large extent, there may also be other diseases behind them. Some possible causes Such an indigestion are, for example:
- Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach)
- Reflux disease (heartburn)
- Gastric ulcer
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Intestinal infections
- Food intolerance (e.g. Lactose intolerance, Celiac disease)
Typical digestive problems such as constipation, bloating and abdominal pain are not infrequently caused simply by stress, unhealthy diet or lack of exercise evoked and are therefore widespread complaints in the population.
If you get to the bottom of these causes and change your diet and lifestyle, you will get a good grip on many digestive problems even without medication. Nevertheless, if the symptoms recur or are accompanied by weight loss and blood in the stool, you should see a doctor. Even if digestive problems are acute and severe, or fever, nausea, and diarrhea don’t go away, you need professional medical help.
Home remedies for digestive problems
With mild digestive problems, you don’t always have to take medication straight away. There are many medicinal plants that have a calming and antispasmodic effect and thus alleviate many gastrointestinal complaints. These include, for example:
- fennel
- anise
- Caraway seed
- ginger
- peppermint
- chamomile
You can use these herbs individually or in combination. The best way to brew a tea from it is to pour hot water over it and let the mixture steep for ten to 15 minutes. Then remove the herbs if necessary and drink three to five cups of warm tea throughout the day.
Another one proven home remedy against digestive problems linseed. They have a digestive and irritant effect and help to restore balance in the gastrointestinal tract in the case of both diarrhea and constipation:
- Adults take around ten to 20 grams of flaxseed two to three times a day.
- Mix the flax seeds with 150 milliliters of water and let the mixture soak briefly until the seeds are a little swollen.
- Crushed flaxseed can be used even better by your body.
- Make sure you drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and do not exceed the daily dose of 45 grams of flaxseed.
Leinsamentee: Hausmittel bei Sodbrennen und Verstopfung selber machen
Warmth, exercise and massage against indigestion
Warmth in the form of hot water bottles or pillows, which you put on your stomach, has a pain-relieving and calming effect. If you have bloating or constipation after a lavish and heavy meal, exercise helps to stimulate your digestion. A small one is enough for that walk or a yoga session.
You can find more information on digestive home remedies here: Stimulate digestion: These natural home remedies help and 4 effective home remedies for constipation.
You can also do the work of your gut with a Colon massage support. To do this, massage your stomach in small spiral movements from bottom right to bottom left for at least five minutes. If you haven’t had a bowel movement for several days, it can make sense to do the massage the other way around and start at the bottom left.
Preventing digestive problems: nutrition and exercise
In order not to let digestive problems arise in the first place, you should already note a few pointers in everyday life:
- Integrate as many as possible high fiber foods in your diet. These include in particular fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Dietary fibers have a balancing effect on our intestinal flora and ensure that the Gut contents removed faster becomes.
- Your digestive system needs a lot of fluid to work well. The German Nutrition Society recommends in its ten rules for a balanced dietto drink at least 1.5 liters of water or unsweetened tea a day.
- Integrate movement into your everyday life. You don’t have to go to the gym for two hours. A casual walk, a jogging round or a short one Home workout are enough to keep the gastrointestinal tract going.
- Avoid eating while standing or walking and eating meals too quickly. Take yours instead enough timeto sit down in peace and eat your food with pleasure and mindfulness. Make sure to chew each bite sufficiently before swallowing it.
- Instead of snacking from time to time, you should fixed meals Schedule a day and give your gut a three to five hour break in between.
- Avoid suppressing your bowel movements. If you feel that you need to go to the toilet, the best thing to do is to go straight away and give your body enough time to pass the stool. Getting your body to use the toilet regularly can help. To do this, go to the toilet at about the same time each day (for example, after breakfast or lunch).
- Develop strategies to deal with stressful situations and give your body enough breaks. Help you with this, for example Relaxation– and Breathing exercises, meditation or yoga.
Read more on Techzle.com:
- Flatulence – these are the causes of a bloated belly
- Food intolerance: The 7 most important allergenic foods
- Gentle food for diarrhea: recipes for light eating in the gastrointestinal tract