And this plant targets surprisingly large animals such as ants, mites and beetles.
You have probably seen a carnivorous plant in a garden center. The most famous species is the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), who closes her ‘mouth’ when she has caught something. But carnivorous plants come in different shapes and sizes. Now researchers in a new study discovered a very strange species. Not only is this a bit terrifying, it also questions everything scientists thought they knew about carnivorous plants.
pitcher plant
The newly discovered species is Nepenthes pudica and appears to differ from other carnivorous plants in many respects. Undoubtedly the most visible is that Nepenthes pudica does not have a ‘mouth’, but instead has a leaf in the shape of a catching cup. These catch cups act as traps. In this way, the plant manages to attract prey animals, which get stuck in the cups. They are then digested on the spot.
But what Nepenthes pudica What makes it particularly unique is that it operates underground. And that’s special. “In fact, this species places its catchers up to 11 cm long in underground cavities,” explains researcher Martin Dančák. He then catches animals living underground, mostly ants, mites and beetles.”
The carnivorous plant Nepenthes pudica. This species is equipped with red cups and is active underground. Image: Martin Dančák
Those are big prey, by the way. Only three other groups of carnivorous plants are known to capture underground prey. However, these use very different tactics – and don’t have cup-shaped leaves, for example. In addition, these species, unlike Nepenthes pudica, catching only tiny organisms. “We found numerous organisms in the beakers,” says researcher Václav Čermák. “Think mosquito larvae, roundworms and even a type of worm that is new to science.”
Researchers found the bizarre carnivorous plant in the Indonesian province of North Kalimantan, on the island of Borneo. Nepenthes pudica grows on relatively dry ridges at an altitude of 1100 to 1300 meters. According to its discoverers, this may also be the reason why the pitcher plant places its traps underground. “We hypothesize that underground cavities have more stable environmental conditions, such as better humidity,” said study researcher Michal Golos. “In addition, during dry periods, more potential prey is likely to be found here.”
The scientific name Nepenthes pudica refers to the curious behavior of the plant. Thus, the name is derived from the Latin adjective pudicus, meaning “shy” or “timid.” It reflects the fact that the lower catch cups are hidden from view.
The discovery of Nepenthes pudica is very special. Not only is it the first pitcher plant known to be active underground, it is also the first to have recorded underground prey capture.
Nepenthes pudica is quite rare. For example, this plant can only be found on the Indonesian island of Borneo. “The discovery is important for nature conservation in Borneo,” said researcher Wewin Tjiasmanto. “It emphasizes the great biodiversity on the island. We hope that the discovery of this unique carnivorous plant can help protect Borneo’s rainforests and prevent more pristine forests from transforming into palm oil plantations.”
Source material:
†Underground carnivore: the first species of pitcher plant to dine on subterranean prey” – Pensoft
Image at the top of this article: Martin Dančák