Disney Plus increases rates, number of subscribers increases

Disney Plus increases rates, number of subscribers increases

Disney+ is getting more expensive, because the streaming service has announced a price increase. The amount increases by no less than two euros per month. However, there is also a cheaper alternative, but what exactly is this?

America first

To reassure you for now, Disney has only announced the price increase for the US market at this time. However, you can bet that prices will soon be raised worldwide, and therefore also in the Netherlands and Belgium. In America Disney+ will soon cost at least $ 10.99 per month, now that is still $ 8.99 just like with us. However, for people who find this $10.99 too expensive, Disney comes with a cheaper subscription with ads. This news was known before, and you can read more about it here.

In short: there will be a cheaper subscription from Disney+. This one is cheaper, but you will get advertisements instead. The price of this new subscription was not yet known, but now it is. According to variety In America this will be $ 7.99 per month. We expect this to be taken over here and transferred into euros. We therefore expect a price of 7.99 euros per month in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Increase in number of subscribers

In addition to this news, it has also been announced that Disney now has more than 150 million subscribers worldwide. The company will let you know in a financial message. With 150 million users, Disney+ has about 33 percent more users than a year earlier. For comparison: Netflix, the largest video streaming platform in the world, has about 225 million users. Netflix, however, has seen this number declining lately. Disney+ sees its number of users increasing, we are curious whether the new prices will not play a negative role in this. Last week it was announced that the streaming services HBO Max and Discovery+ will merge in 2023. It is not yet known what the consequences of the merger will be for customers of Discovery+ and HBO Max in the Netherlands.

Do you have a subscription to Disney+ and what is your favorite series on this platform? Let us know in the comments below this article.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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