Documentation tip: Body Positivity – The new image of your own body

Documentation tip: Body Positivity – The new image of your own body
Photo: Photo: Screenshot / Trailer

The new documentary “Body Positivity” shows the health and psychological consequences of an exaggerated obsession with beauty. It calls for more tolerance, diversity and acceptance.

The documentary “Body positivity“By Volker Wasmuth has been available on 3sat since December 2nd, 2021. The film would like to encourage one to accept one’s own body – apart from model dimensions – as it is. Portraits of different people illustrate the great influence common ideals of beauty have on our own perception. Those affected report the health consequences that cosmetic surgery or excessive dieting can have. The documentary calls for a rethink

This is what the documentary “Body Positivity” is about

The perception of self and others in relation to one's own body often differs significantly from each other.
The perception of oneself and others in relation to one’s own body often differs significantly from one another.
(Photo: Photo: Screenshot / Trailer)

The documentary “Body Positivity” begins with an experiment: a phantom artist draws the model Mara Maeke, whom he has never seen before. The first time it is based on the self-description of the model and then on the description of the photographer Saskia Pasing. The result, as soon as both images are placed next to each other: We perceive ourselves much more critically than others do.

Social psychologist Anuschka Rees knows: “We have seen each other in the mirror so often that we no longer see the truth. […] It’s like seeing through a magnifying glass: small differences seem extremely big to us. ”According to a study, 42 percent of women feel that they are under pressure from ideals of beauty and have expectations of their own bodies that are too high. Around 25 percent of men feel the same way.

It is not uncommon for those affected to try to remove external blemishes through cosmetic surgery. This is also the case with José Salam and Ralph Bany, who have opted for hair transplants. The operations would not have been medically necessary, but they should Self esteem increase the patient. Full hair is supposed to symbolize youth and vitality. But also for smaller noses, larger breasts or wrinkle-free skin, patients lie under the knife and not only incur pain, but also high costs for a better appearance.

The film shows that exaggerated ideals of beauty destroy the image of one’s own body. Anja Zeidler, who was impressed by social media stars, knows that too. The former fitness model went to the gym twice a day for a while and only ate carefully balanced meals at certain times. She used various anabolic steroids and suffered from eating disorders. Body activist Melody Michelberger had a similar fate. As a teenager she suffered from anorexia until one day she weighed only 45 kilograms.

Demand for more diversity and tolerance

Documentary "Body Positivity": More acceptance of your own body.
Documentary “Body Positivity”: More acceptance of your own body.
(Photo: Photo: Screenshot / Trailer)

The documentary “Body Positivity” makes it clear that ideals of beauty change from time to time. Lars Penke, Professor of Biological Personality Psychology, states: “For example, a symmetrical and rather average face, aspects of masculinity and femininity, even skin and a certain skin color are considered universally attractive in our western world”. The preference for body shapes depends on the economic situation: in poorer countries full-bodied women are preferred, in richer countries petite women are considered attractive.

Globalization would spread the ideals even further. It is therefore all the more important to reflect diversity in the media, in marketing and in fashion. In this context, the cosmetics brand “Dove” can be cited as a pioneer with its “Real Beauty” campaign. As early as 2004, she published an advertising sport that showed women with normal dimensions. Model Natalie Nussbaum also stands for diversity with her name. After all, she was born without her right forearm. She has a clear goal in mind: “I would like the advertising industry to notice that our society is diverse and that it simply reflects that.”

Utopia says: The 3sat documentary “Body Positivity” makes a plea for more Self love, Appreciation and acceptance of one’s own body. The audience is encouraged to view differences in appearance not as a flaw but as a special feature. Instead of a uniform ideal of beauty, social diversity and tolerance are required so that everyone can lead a self-determined and happy life.


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