Download Corona app: This is how it works

The corona app from the Dutch government is available for everyone to download from today. Under the name CoronaMelder you can find it in the Play Store for Android smartphones and in the App Store for iPhones. How does this work?

The CoronaMelder was created to supplement the contact investigation of the GGDs. The purpose of the app is to limit the spread of the coronavirus by informing potentially infected people about this as soon as possible. They can then request a corona test in good time and isolate themselves from other people as much as possible.

If you have installed the app, you will receive a notification as soon as another user of the app has indicated that they are infected with corona and you have been together for more than 15 minutes in the past two weeks. No location data is collected for privacy reasons. The underlying system works with anonymous codes that are exchanged via bluetooth.

The corona app is now available for everyone to download, but it is not yet fully functional everywhere. Receiving reports only works in the regions of Twente, Drenthe, Ijsselland, Gelderland-South and North / East Gelderland. This is because such a report is only sent after the GGDs there have been contacted. From 1 September, the app will work as it should be throughout the country

Install Corona app

Installing the corona app is a piece of cake. After downloading, a number of windows explain how the app works. Read the information carefully and tap Next several times. In the end, the app asks for permission to send ‘exposure reports’. Bluetooth must be switched on for this. You also get the option to forward the app to others.

The app is now active in the background and you do not need to take any further action. If you receive a notification in the future, the app will help you with the next steps. The intention is that you stay at home and request a corona test, even if you have not yet experienced any complaints. You will receive the results by telephone within 48 hours.


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