Dutch police roll up infamous Android malware ‘FluBot’

Dutch police roll up infamous Android malware 'FluBot'

The infamous FluBot malware no longer works on Android phones. This is the result of an international police action that has disrupted the functioning of the malware. FluBot was distributed through fake apps that attempted to loot the user’s bank account.

Action against FluBot

A dangerous form of malware on Android phones is no more, that makes Europol announced on Wednesday. Police forces from 11 countries have worked together in the fight against FluBot and last month the Dutch police managed to disrupt the operation of the malware. The Belgian and British police services also took part in the action.

FluBot was first spotted in December 2020 and she is no stranger to the Netherlands either. Last year, there were text messages urging users to download a fake DHL app. Once the app was installed and a banking app was opened, the malware transferred money to the account of malicious parties. Furthermore, FluBot ran off with all your contacts so that they also received text messages. Tens of thousands of Dutch people have become victims of FluBot.

Europol now says the infrastructure FluBot was working on has been shut down as a result of the action. The different countries exchanged information and discussed a strategy from a virtual command center. In this way, the action was coordinated.

More malware warnings

We recently warned on Androidworld about a new form of fraud with WhatsApp. On the basis of a phone call, hackers try to take over your account. On the other hand, malicious parties also pose as WhatsApp’s support service. In addition, there is another form of Android malware that can steal the credentials of nearly 500 different apps.

Are you perhaps concerned about possible malware on your smartphone? Here are five signs that may indicate malware. Have you received an unreliable text message with a download link or do you know someone who has become a victim of FluBot via text message? Let us know in the comments.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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