Editorial team looks ahead to 2022 – Nic de Boer

Refueling Shell petrol pumping station gas station

After almost two years of corona, looking into the future is more difficult than ever. An energy crisis has recently emerged. Chip shortages throw product but especially production schedules upside down. As a result, new models are launched on the market six months later. This is reflected in our annual personal previews, which include not only cars. Today speaking: Nic de Boer.

It’s not that I’m looking forward to it, but I’m very curious about how energy prices will develop. Of course the gas to heat your house with, but the petrol, diesel and electricity prices are of course important to us, motorists. When I wrote this piece, I was filling up with my EV at Fastned along the highway one hundred kilometers of range for eight peak. Certainly not free. The Euro 95 at the gas station had been stubbornly at €1,99,9 for weeks. I guess we haven’t seen the last of it yet.

And then there are the lack of raw materials and the chip shortage that inhibit consumption. Not least in the automotive industry. A lot is happening in the world. That two euros for a liter of petrol reminds me of 2012, when I traveled to Italy to buy a car. That was a memorable trip in several ways, also because I still have that car from then. So in 2022 I will celebrate the tenth anniversary. On the way I saw for the first time in my life, along the Italian highway, a petrol price above two euros. It has gone up and down quite a bit since then…

This article previously appeared in the AutoWeek Year Special 2022.

– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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