Exchange files with Cyberduck

Exchange files with Cyberduck

Cyberduck is a welcome tool for anyone who stores files outside of their own computer. The open source application is often used to communicate with the hosting provider to update your website. With this yellow rubber duck you can also exchange files with a NAS or with all popular cloud services. Sometimes there are even good reasons to choose Cyberduck over the regular sync client.

Cyberduck has long been the Mac user’s tool of choice for transferring files to and from a server. Meanwhile, the popularity on the Windows platform has also increased.

On the Cyberduck homepage you will be redirected to the Microsoft Store. Here you will find the free edition and a variant that costs 23.99 euros. Only the paid version is available in the Apple App Store. In terms of functionality, there is no difference at all between the paid and free edition. When you pay, you receive a code that removes the question to financially support this open source product.

Through get the free versions for both platforms.

First connection

The first time you connect to the server, you need four pieces of information: the protocol used, the name of the host, your username and your password†

Go to the menu File† There you choose New connection, after which you select the protocol from a drop-down menu in the pop-up window. Then type the name of the server and your login details.

The name of the server usually gives away the protocol you should choose. In addition, you will receive this information from the provider. If the name starts with ftp, you know that you are at the top FTP (File Transfer Protocol) must choose. Leave the gate open 21 and check the box Save password at. Then click on the button Connect†


The ftp protocol works fast, but it is an unsecured protocol. FTP-ssl and sftp are extensions of the file transfer protocol (ftp) that are much more secure because they use encryption. Sftp is our preference, because it works a bit faster and, above all, is more secure. In addition, you can then address both port 21 and the ports between 1200 and 2000.

When you connect to sftp, Cyberduck will send a Unknown fingerprint-Show notification you need to allow. Even when you connect to the well-known cloud services, you will have to authorize the connection.

To download

Once the connection has been established, the folder structure of your account will appear on the server. You can open and close the folders. To download the files and folders, select them and then right click Download† The folder or file will then be placed on the hard drive in the folder Downloads justly.

It can be even simpler. Suppose you want to download several files, first select with the Ctrl key pressed the desired files. Then open the folder on the hard disk where these files should be located in Windows Explorer and then drag the five files to this folder.

Upload and sync

If you can work with Windows Explorer or macOS Finder, then you know how to move files from the computer to the server and vice versa. You open a folder in Cyberduck and choose the command Upload to select files or folders to go to the server. Or even easier, just drag them from Windows Explorer or Finder to the appropriate Cyberduck folder.

You can also right-click the command Sync start to sync the contents of a folder on the server with a folder on the hard drive.

mutual exchange

To move an object between different servers, open a new window with File / New Browser or Ctrl+N† You can move files and folders between different bookmarks. In Cyberduck’s toolbar you will see that the program recognizes the file extension of a selected file.

By the way, in the browser you can create and delete folders in the same way as in the explorer. By default, Cyberduck is set to reconnect to the bookmark that was connected when you exited the program. You can change this in the preferences.


To avoid having to enter the connection information every time, you can use the recent connections in the program’s history. For that you can use the button with the clock icon or the menu Bookmark / History to use. Or even better, work with bookmarks like an internet browser.

When you have connected, go to Bookmark / New Bookmark† You can then give the bookmark its own screen name. In this way, the server appears in the form of an icon. With the button bookmarks (next to the clock) you can request all bookmarks.

Multiple Dropbox accounts

When you want to make a new connection, Cyberduck shows all protocols it supports. This also includes popular cloud services, such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft SharePoint and Dropbox. All these services have their own synchronization solutions, so why use Cyberduck?

There are two good reasons for this. You may not want to use sync, but just put a file directly into the cloud. A more important reason is that you can connect to different cloud services of the same type via Cyberduck without any problems. So if you have two or more accounts with Dropbox, it is better to choose Cyberduck than to use the Dropbox client.

Authorization key

To quickly connect Cyberduck to different Dropbox accounts, bookmark each account differently. In this way it is even possible to open several accounts at the same time.

join New connection for choice Dropbox† Click the button right away Connect† That way, you’ll be taken to a window to establish the link between Dropbox and Cyberduck. After entering your Dropbox login name and password, an authorization key will appear that you need to copy and paste into Cyberduck. After this, Cyberduck will display the contents of your Dropbox account. Similarly, you can also add Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive to Cyberduck.

Actions on a file/folder

In the Cyberduck screen, you can apply various actions to files and folders. The button Action† For example, you can refresh the window in case certain changes are not immediately visible. You can rename or duplicate the folder or file.

It is also possible to delete or edit files. If you do the assignment Edit with you must first choose an application from the suggestions Cyberduck suggests. After that, the program will download the file and open it in the indicated app.


When you transfer a file or folder, the panel appears transfers† This window is the easiest way to check if the transfer was successful. Here you can read the direction of the transfer, the file name, the status (Download complete† Download incomplete etc.) and the size of the files.

When you select an upload and click the Show click, Windows Explorer will indicate where the original file is located on the hard drive. If you select a download, you will see via the same button where Cyberduck has placed the file. This is useful if you have forgotten where you put the item after a download.

Mountain Duck

In addition to Cyberduck, you can install Mountain Duck from the same address. This app lists the online repositories as external drives in Windows Explorer and macOS Finder. That integration allows you to access the servers from the system tray on Windows or the menu bar on the Mac.

In Mountain Duck you can designate the files and folders you want to use offline. Mountain Duck will only download the other files on request, so they do not take up space on the hard disk. Mountain Duck supports encryption, drag-and-drop, and real-time synchronization. You can test the software for fifteen days, after which a one-time license costs 35 euros.

Encrypted Vault

One of the actions hidden under the gear is New encrypted vault† Such a vault is a folder that uses the cryptomator encryption program. If you open such a folder without Cyberduck, you will not see the files.

You create such an encrypted folder on a NAS or on cloud storage. Select New encrypted vault, enter a folder name, then type a strong password. If the password has been marked green, then it is strong enough to use. From then on you will need that password to connect to the safe.


With Cyberduck you can also access data that is on a network drive. On the side of the NAS you have to WebDAV activate and thereby you switch HTTP or HTTPS in. Note the ports that address you.

In Cyberduck, you then select the correct protocol from the drop-down menu. In this example we are going for WebDAV (HTTPS)† Then you type Server the name of the NAS and the port you just noted. Bee User name enter the login of the NAS and below that type or paste the password of the NAS. You will receive a message that you need to install a certificate. Allow this and connect.


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