Eyeball #28: Easy Vegetable Garden app works even if you don’t have green fingers

The Easy Vegetable Garden app helps you to start a vegetable garden, without the need for green fingers.

Easy Vegetable Garden: vegetables without green fingers

It sounds fun: starting your own vegetable garden. Sprinkle some seeds in the garden and then later pick fresh tomatoes, lettuce and herbs for your dishes. In practice it quickly disappoints. Maintaining a vegetable garden is more difficult than it seems. In addition, you have to put time in your vegetable garden almost every day to make it a success. The Easy Vegetable Garden app comes to the rescue.

With this app you don’t suddenly have to spend less time to help your vegetables and herbs from seeds to plants, but you can be sure that you spend those few minutes a day well and that your vegetable garden will be a success.

Eyeball #28: Easy Vegetable Garden app works even if you don’t have green fingers


That happens step by step. You create a vegetable garden and fill in what you want to sow in the boxes. The app immediately informs you whether that is smart at the time of year and in that place. Then step by step it is explained how sowing works. So there are no mistakes to make. You may, like me, sow a bit too deeply in all your enthusiasm, but then the app will help you deal with that later.

Then you get assignments every day. Usually this means that you only have to give some water, but sometimes you also have to do something else. For example, checking for snails or thinning out the plants, so that only the most beautiful seedlings have the best chance.

You don’t have to worry if your plants are a little behind. You are regularly asked to check whether the plants of a specific sown vegetable look like the picture in the app. If it hasn’t already, the app reassures you that it’s not a problem and that you just need to keep an eye on it. If there is still nothing to see next time, you will receive tips on what to do next.

Easy Vegetable Garden Materials

Easy Vegetable Garden is not just an app, it is a company that provides everything to achieve a successful vegetable garden. From the containers and the soil, to the seeds and even a scoop. To actually make your vegetable garden a success with the app, you are expected to also use the Easy Vegetable Garden mix to put your seeds in.

That is a disadvantage, but with a little creativity you can also get started yourself. In this way, the company clearly tells what is in the mix, so that you can also copy it. If you are a bit handy, the containers are also easy to put together yourself. And seeds are seeds. The seeds of Easy Vegetable Garden are nothing special, except that the package states exactly when you can best sow them and how to do it.


One of the nicer parts of the app is the community. Here you will find messages and photos from other people who are busy with their vegetable garden. A large part of the people start at the same time in March, so that you can compare the plants with each other.

In addition, you can always ask your questions there if you are concerned about your plants. For example, if you are afraid that hail and snow in April will ruin your seedlings. You can start a vegetable garden on your own, but together it is more fun and above all a lot easier.

Download Easy Vegetable Garden

The Easy Vegetable Garden app can be downloaded from the App Store via the button below.

A successor to the app is also being worked on. This application is called Planty Gardening and you can already check it via the button below.

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