Facebook adds comprehensive weather forecast to iOS app

Facebook has added an extensive weather forecast to the iOS app. Will the social network replace your weather app with this?

Facebook overview added again

It is not surprising that Facebook comes with an extensive weather app. For months, the social network at the top of your timeline has been showing whether it will rain or snow. By tapping on these notifications from now on, an extensive weather forecast for the coming days will open. The weather overview is hidden in the other section of the app. You will encounter these by following the steps below.

Facebook again

This is how you view the Facebook weather app

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap the three bars at the bottom left of the menu;
  2. Scroll down and tap ‘View more’;
  3. Select ‘Weather’ to view the weather forecast.

In the settings you can choose to show the temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. You can also manually add locations if you don’t just want to check the weather at your current location. According to Facebook, the weather overview is now available to 95 percent of users. So there is still a small chance that your profile has not yet been turned. That still has to change before the end of this week.

Weather notifications on the go

In the future, it should be possible to set notifications for the Facebook weather forecast. That way you will be notified every morning of what to expect when you go out. This feature will first be tested with a small group of users, after which it will be rolled out to everyone.

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