File deleted, how do I find it?

recover a deleted file

Oops, pressed the Delete key a little too quickly. Now the file has been accidentally deleted. Where can you find it again?

It happens to everyone from time to time: accidentally deleting a file. Fortunately, the Recycle Bin saves you from trouble in most cases. Deleted files end up in this digital trash can. They will remain there until you or Windows empty the Recycle Bin. Windows will only do that if you have set this up. On most computers, users manually empty the digital trash can.

The Recycle Bin is always on the Desktop. Retrieve deleted files like this:

  • Go to the Desktop.
  • Double click on Garbage can.
  • A window opens. In the middle are all deleted files. Is the missing file in there? Click here.
  • click on Restore the selected items. Can’t see that on a Windows 11 computer? First click on the icon with the three dots Three dots Explorer Windows 11.

The file is back in the folder it was in before the deletion.

Users can also get back all files from Recycle Bin at once.

  • click on Restore all items. Can’t see that on a Windows 11 computer. First click on the icon with the three dots. Three dots Explorer Windows 11
  • click on Yes.

Even files that also disappeared from the Recycle Bin can sometimes be retrieved. This requires specialist knowledge. This retrieval is too complicated for the average computer user. Call in a specialist if you urgently need accidentally deleted files and they are no longer in the Recycle Bin.

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