Flatulence in the baby: causes and effective home remedies against it

Flatulence in the baby: causes and effective home remedies against it
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / jarmoluk

Flatulence in babies is very unpleasant, but fortunately it is usually harmless. If your baby suffers from flatulence, you can help him with these home remedies.

When a baby cries, there are a variety of reasons. It is often hungry, tired – or flatulent. This is particularly common in newborns. Flatulence is basically harmless, but very uncomfortable for the baby and the parents. You can relieve the symptoms with these simple home remedies:

  1. massages
  2. aviator grip
  3. Heat pad, hot water bottle or bath
  4. herbal teas

Massage and fly hold against air congestion in the intestines

If an infant has flatulence, in most cases air is trapped somewhere in the digestive tract. You can try two “mechanical applications” to get rid of the air congestion:

  1. abdominal massage: With the abdominal massage you release the gases in the abdomen by massaging your baby’s stream with light circular movements in a clockwise direction. With something cumin oil Can you increase the effect?
  2. aviator grip: With the so-called fly hold you carry your child on your stomach on your forearm. Your head is in the crook of your arm and your stomach is on your hand. This way, you can put a little pressure on your stomach with your hand. In combination with heat and a slight sway, the accumulated gases are often released. If you are not sure, ask your midwife to show you how to use the fly grip.

Relieve flatulence in babies with heat

Heat is a proven home remedy for flatulence - heat pads, hot water bottles or a warm bath doesn't matter.
Heat is a tried and tested home remedy for flatulence – heat pads, hot water bottles or a warm bath doesn’t matter.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / alsterkoralle)

Heat is a good remedy for flatulence. You can bring them to the bloated stomach with various means:

  1. heat in Cherry stone or grain pillows and put it on your child’s stomach.
  2. It’s even faster with the good old one hot water bottle. It should be around 40 degrees warm. Hot tap water is often sufficient for this.
  3. A warm bath can also provide relief. The water should not be warmer than 37 degrees. Sometimes a sitz bath is enough. It is important that the stomach gets enough warmth.

No matter which variant you choose, make sure that you use a heating pad or hot water bottle really only warm and not hot are. Place the heat source as well never directly on the sensitive baby skinbut always put at least one towel in between.

teas for flatulence

Fennel tea helps with flatulence
Fennel tea helps with flatulence
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / PublicDomainPictures)

Various teas have long been tried and tested as home remedies for flatulence. Good relief from flatulence, for example, bring:

  • fennel tea
  • caraway tea
  • Anise tea

If your baby is old enough, you can prepare a tea from one of the herbs or from a mixture. Brew a light tea and let it cool. Depending on how old your baby is, you can give him the tea directly or a few teaspoons.

Read more on Techzle.com:

  • Nursing balls recipe: concentrated energy for breastfeeding
  • Alternatives to Pampers & Co.
  • Baby biscuits without sugar: A simple recipe


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