If you have an iPhone or other iOS device with only 8 or 16GB of storage, you will soon run into limitations. Fortunately, there is a simple tip to free up memory in an instant, without removing apps or files.
Free up space on your iPhone and iPad
Safari is the only iOS app that allows you to clear its cache of temporary data stored during use. With apps such as YouTube, Facebook and Apple Music, which also build up a lot of cache over time, this is unfortunately not possible. Still, there is a trick to quickly free up more space, even if you don’t feel like deleting apps, photos or other files.
To do this, go to the iTunes Store. Click on ‘Movies’ at the bottom and choose any movie with a larger file size than the free memory on your iDevice. In our case, we choose the film Closer, which with its size of 4.34GB of course never fits on our iPhone 5S with only 845MB of free storage space. What follows when you press ‘Buy’ or ‘Rent’ is a message that the movie cannot be downloaded. If you then press ‘Settings’ and go to ‘Storage & iCloud Usage’, you will see that the free storage has increased. You don’t actually need to purchase a movie for this trick.
We put it to the test and saw the free storage of our iPhone increase to 1.1GB in one fell swoop (with the above screenshots as proof). Repeating the same process several times can free up even more space, most likely erasing more temporary data. However, no files will be lost and apps will continue to work properly. In our opinion, an indispensable tip for those who regularly run out of space on their device.
How much space have you been able to free up on your iDevice? Let us know in the comments!