Fuel thieves active in Utrecht: fuel valves broken open

Fuel thieves active in Utrecht: fuel valves broken open

In Utrecht, the fuel valves of cars were broken open in several places in a short period of time. It seems very likely that there are fuel thieves active.

The high fuel prices lead to strange scenes. For example, last year there were already people who drove back to the Netherlands with cars full of fueled jerry cans abroad. Now, however, a well-known phenomenon seems to be rearing its head again in our country: stealing fuel from parked cars. It AD spoke to several people where this has happened recently or who have witnessed it.

Several residents of the Utrecht district of Lunetten recently found their parked car with a broken open fuel valve and a removed fuel cap. One of the residents is said to have caught three while attempting to steal fuel from his car and chased them away. The police confirm to the AD that in at least one case, fuel has actually been removed from the cars and that there are several reports of broken open fuel valves. “The basic team is now looking into how to follow up on those reports,” said a spokesperson.

– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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