Hair transplant Türkiye – new invention ensures perfect results

Hair transplant Türkiye – new invention ensures perfect results

© Aleksandr Rybalko, GettyImages

Professional hair treatments, especially hair transplants in Turkey, are currently omnipresent and enjoy great popularity. The aim is to help people with hair loss regain a full head of hair. In other words, your own hair is transplanted from a donor area on the back of the head into the bald spots in the recipient area. So far so good, but what exactly does this topic have to do with science? The Bio Hair Clinic in Istanbul is currently doing absolute pioneering work and has let us take a closer look at their cards.

Bio Power Boost – a world first straight from Istanbul

It is not without reason that Turkey is the Mecca of aesthetic tourism. The luminaries in hair transplantation and the development of new procedures are based here. One clinic in particular currently stands out from the plethora of hair clinics. The Bio Hair Clinic and the team around Dr. In addition to the practical transplantation of your own hair, Ibrahim has been involved in scientific research into new methods for many years.

“Research and science are also very important in the hair transplant industry. The continuous development of new techniques is crucial for perfect results and is a premise for us. For this reason, it was clear to us that we had to come onto the market with a world first,” explains Dr. Ibrahim.

With the so-called Organic Power Boost The hair clinic has therefore set a milestone and invented an innovation that is only available there for optimal results. The premise – “full and perfectly natural hair” – stands for Dr. Ibrahim and his team take center stage.

After many years of research, the specialists have developed a method that strengthens the hair and scalp preoperatively and improves blood circulation. The procedure revolutionizes hair transplantation in Turkey and is available exclusively to Bio Hair Clinic patients.

The Bio Hair Clinic has already made a name for itself in the past in scientific research for even better results. With the Bio Power Boost, Dr. Ibrahim achieved a new breakthrough that makes hair transplantation in Istanbul even more effective.

How does the Bio Power Boost work?

The new procedure was not only an exclusive method, but also a preparation of the scalp and follicular units for hair transplantation. Only strong and healthy hair roots are suitable for a hair transplant. In addition, the scalp must be well supplied with blood and supplied with important vital substances on the day of the minimally invasive procedure and beyond. This is where the invention of Dr. Ibrahim.

In four steps, the scalp is prepared for the actual hair transplant in Turkey in just 25 minutes. After the patient arrives at the airport, he is taken by private shuttle directly to the Bio Hair Clinic, where the hair transplant takes place in Istanbul, and receives the innovative Bio Power Boost one day before the actual procedure.

The first step is to apply a special cleaning solution to the scalp and ensure that dandruff and sebum are removed. The treatment team then uses the laser to deliver photons to the scalp Promote hair growth and which ensure optimal blood circulation. Weakened hair roots absorb the photons and have the necessary strength for hair transplantation the following day. The scalp is then nourished with the Bio Hair Serum, which delivers important proteins and minerals directly to the hair follicles. The existing hair is comprehensively cared for and the hair root breathing is supported. The Bio Power Boost is rounded off with a scalp massage, which ensures that the elasticity of the scalp is increased and blockages are removed.

The effect of Bio Power Boost

The goal here is hair transplants with natural hair growth and maximum reliability of results. Many years of research have gone into this preparation technique. The first tests showed that the scalp heals faster, that the hair grows thicker and more naturally and that the risk of postoperative complications and scarring after the procedure decreases. Since the well-nourished grafts are stronger and of better quality, the Bio Power Boost shortens the operation time and supports hair removal from the donor area.

The invention has a positive effect on the recipient and donor areas. The existing hair also gains new strength, which reduces the risk of hair loss in the donor area. The Bio Power Boost can be described as strengthening the hair roots in preparation for the upcoming hair transplant in Turkey.

Research brings hair transplants to a new level

Since the infancy of hair transplantation, the methods and results have been continuously developed. Experts like Dr. Ibrahim and his team have always linked research and practice. With the Bio Power Boost, the hair clinic has managed to jump a few steps on the ladder and take hair transplantation in Turkey to a new level.

Knowing that healthy hair and a healthy scalp are the basis of transplanting your own hair, the specialists have developed a procedure that strengthens the hair roots shortly before the procedure and frees the scalp of all residues.

This world first offers all patients an even safer and more natural result while shortening the healing time. The procedure is painless and does not cause any side effects. Any patient who has a hair transplant in Istanbul at Bio Hair Clinic can benefit from this procedure and have their hair prepared for the upcoming procedure.


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