For many, spring break is the perfect holiday to go on winter sports. If possible, we don’t do that with an electric car. This is apparent from research by insurer Allianz Direct.
Thousands of Dutch people tie the slats back on the roof to set course for the winter sports areas. The car appears to be the preferred means of transport to arrive at the winter sports destination. 71 percent of Dutch winter sports enthusiasts go on holiday by car, in less than one in five of the winter sports holidays they opt for the airplane. The train (6 percent) and the bus (4 percent) are significantly less popular.
We prefer to go on winter sports with a car with a combustion engine, as it turns out. The research by Allianz Direct shows that 50 percent of the surveyed holidaymakers find the electric car unsuitable for a winter sports holiday. This is undoubtedly related to the – in some cases unjustified – fear of a limited range of electric cars.
Almost all winter sports enthusiasts who go on holiday by car put the car on winter tires (96 percent). In addition, 75 percent of the respondents indicate that they read up on the installation of snow chains. Snow chains are therefore in the back of the car in 77 percent of the cases. Fun facts: 48 percent of holidaymakers take warm blankets with them and 78 percent of those surveyed say they also have yellow vests in the trunk that are mandatory in some countries. Another fun fact: more than a third (36 percent) of Dutch winter sports enthusiasts who go on winter sports by car, have a toilet roll in the car.
Once the car is fully loaded, 70 percent of winter sports enthusiasts leave at night or early in the morning to avoid traffic jams. 59 percent of travelers say they switch drivers en route to continue straight to their destination.
In the AutoWeek Advice Center you can not only read tips about driving in winter conditions, but also about traffic rules in winter sports countries, about winter tires and many other interesting things!
– Thanks for information from