Hay fever or Corona: This is how you tell the difference

Hay fever or Corona: This is how you tell the difference
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / smellypumpy

Hay fever starts again for allergy sufferers in spring. The symptoms can resemble those of a corona infection. In this article we explain how to differentiate between corona and pollen allergy.

With the onset of spring comes the hay fever season. Due to the high number of infections, those affected by a pollen allergy are often unsure whether the runny nose and sneezing attacks are symptoms of a corona infection.

The dominant omicron variant often causes a less severe course of the disease than the delta variant, which is why the symptoms can easily be confused with those of a pollen allergy. In this article we will show you the differences.

Hay fever: the symptoms

Hay fever comes on suddenly and the sniffle secretion is clear and watery.
Hay fever comes on suddenly and the sniffle secretion is clear and watery.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Didgeman)

Anyone who has suffered from hay fever for a long time can usually distinguish the allergy from an illness. Itching of the nose and eyes is a symptom of hay fever. This does not happen with a corona infection. In hay fever, the cold starts very suddenly and without warning, the cold secretion is usually clear and quite watery. Affected people often have shortness of breath and a slight cough.

If you have a pollen allergy, you will not feel sick or have a fever. Hay fever progresses differently depending on the weather: If it rains continuously, most of the pollen can be washed out of the air and the symptoms become milder or disappear completely.

Those affected by a pollen allergy have neither an increased risk of contracting the corona virus nor of developing a severe course of the corona infection.

Corona: the symptoms

Corona infections can take different courses.
Corona infections can take different courses.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / analogicus)

Corona infections often take very different courses. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the most common symptoms are:

  • sniffles
  • to cough
  • fever
  • Sore throat
  • headache
  • Disturbance of the sense of smell and/or taste

Symptoms appear less suddenly and those infected feel generally ill.

Conclusion: Corona or hay fever?

It is not always clear whether it is just hay fever or a corona infection. You can also have both at the same time. For more safety, you should also test yourself and follow the applicable hygiene rules.

Read more on Techzle.com:

  • Corona virus or cold? You should look out for these signs
  • Wash your hands: How to get your hands really clean
  • Pollen count calendar 2022: The most important grasses at a glance


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