Healsens has launched a health app to detect age-related diseases and help with obesity. Healsens wants to increase awareness of health and promote early detection of age-related diseases.

Healsens, a health technology startup, has launched a health app with innovative screening solutions that detect age-related diseases and help with obesity. With the app, the Hoofddorp-based company aims to increase awareness of health and promote early detection of age-related diseases. The app is available on both the Play Store for Android devices and iOS for iPhones.

Risk groups
The app takes into account the risk group to which users belong, such as men over 40 who have an increased risk of prostate cancer. The application includes screening for 22 of the most common chronic diseases, including depression and suicide risk, chronic kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease. The application provides personal recommendations for improving health.

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Healsens Plan app control

Right to information
The Healsens initiative stems from the belief that people have the right to information about their personal health risks and what they can do now to prevent chronic diseases and all their complications in the future. Two key issues that Healsens addresses are the lack of awareness around potential medical conditions and the delay in disease detection due to inadequate preventive programs. The application offers personalized screenings, takes into account analysis results, and provides insight into personal habits and hereditary risk factors. The app also aims to help users take proactive steps to prevent chronic diseases.

“We are excited to introduce our revolutionary screening solutions in the Netherlands,” says Healsens CEO and co-founder Hanna Barzakouskaya. “Our goal is to reduce the physical age of users and prevent or address obesity problems. Our application is designed to guide patients through the aging process while maintaining their health.” Users can calculate their biological age via the Healsens app.

Lower BMI against obesity and diabetes
The Healsens app is the first app that allows users to tackle their excessive BMI. There is a waist-hip calculator to estimate abdominal obesity (fat deposits around the waist). The main purpose of these calculations is to determine the risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Healsens already has proven results for patients who suffer from severe obesity and diabetes. The app was originally developed to promote health and reduce delays in diagnosing chronic diseases.

Healsens has entered into partnerships with two leading laboratories in the Netherlands, making their screenings available in Dutch hospitals. The company plans to become an integral part of insurance policies, with the aim of achieving both economic benefits and improvement of the health of their customers.

Price and availability
The Healsens app is available in 176 countries, available in the Play Store for Android devices and iOS for iPhones and is also free.

Healsens Plan app