Heico gives new Volvos their old top speed back

Since this year, new Volvos cannot exceed 180 km / h. According to Volvo, that is safer, but the boys and girls at Volvo tuner Heico find it an annoying obstacle. They can then simply remove the limiter for you.

It was a bit of a remarkable step from Volvo, limiting it to 180 km / h. According to the brand there is no more reason to ever go faster than 180. That is why the brand decided to limit all models to 180 with effect from the current model year. A daring step, but perhaps also a bit of symbolic politics. After all, people rarely drive faster than 180 and even at that speed things can go wrong. In addition, Volvo has recently acquired two sister brands, Polestar and Lync & Co. You guessed it: the cars of those brands will not get a limiter.

Be that as it may, there are always people who want to pass the 200 every now and then. Heico Sportiv, the German tuner fully dedicated to Volvo, is now reaching out to that target group. The company offers the option to remove the limiter for all Volvo model lines. In the first instance, this concerns the faster models, where more profit can be made in this area. Later the same will also be possible for less powerful Volvos.

The procedure is not cheap, by the way. Heico asks on his international website amounts of between € 1,112.06 (for a petrol XC40) and € 1,543.10 (for an S90, V90 or XC90 with hybrid powertrain). The new top speed is of course completely dependent on the car and version, but the difference can be considerable. A V90 T5, for example, had a top speed of 230 km / h until recently.

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