Here are the most active speed cameras in the Netherlands

Speed ​​camera Gouda

One speed camera is not the other. Some speed cameras are collecting dust, others flicker almost like a strobe. The latter is the case with these ten speed cameras.

The Ministry of Justice and Security is kind enough to publish once in a while how the speed cameras in the Netherlands are doing. It now presents an overview of the number of violations detected per speed camera in the period from May to August of this year.

As it turns out: in Gouda it is busy on the road to and from the A12, the Goudse Poort. The winding road to and from the slip roads is a 50 km/h road, only apparently it feels like a faster road for many. Especially towards the highway, the gas is often too early, because the speed camera in that direction is the most active in the whole country. Even those who have just come off the highway and enter Gouda, sometimes have to get used to the lower speed. The speed camera on the side towards Gouda is in fifth place.

Top 10 Speed ​​Cameras

Venue Away Number of speeding tickets
1. Gouda Goudse Poort (direction A12) 17,645
2. Goeree-Overflakkee N57, hectometre post 23.9 (East) 14,909
3. Westland N211 (West) 12,066
4. Wells N303 11,969
5. Gouda Gouda Gate (towards center) 11,645
6. Stichtse Vecht N201 11.109
7. Delft Kruithuisweg (East) 10,846
8. Noordwijk Gooweg (South-West) 9,944
9. Waddinxveen N207 (South) 9.692
10. Groningen Emma Viaduct (South) 9.408


From May to August, the Ministry of Justice registered a total of 2,977,737 traffic violations. Almost 300,000 more than in that period last year, although according to the Ministry this is probably related to the corona measures in force at the time. Digital enforcement based on license plate numbers (ie speed cameras, mobile radars and speed checks) accounted for 2,822,256 of the registered traffic violations. The number of stops came to 155,481, which was less than last year, when someone was stopped 181,838 times. By far the most fines were for speeding: 2,514,616. In no fewer than 2,464,292 cases, the speeding offense was recorded with a speed camera, section control or mobile radar.

– Thanks for information from

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