Hostinger: how to contact customer support?

Are you a Hostinger customer and would like to contact user support? It must be said that web hosting can quickly become complex in its configuration or in the response to questions inherent to this theme. The intervention of customer support is therefore most of the time mandatory. Hostinger is no exception to the rule and offers responsive technical support with several contact methods.

Hostinger is one of the best web hosts in the sector, with this title comes many features allowing you to improve your experience in hosting your site. Customer support is part of this, since if you encounter technical problems, such as loading or bandwidth errors, the French host will be there to answer you. This may also concern questions about the hosting plan subscribed or its configuration and optimization. Having good support is essential on technical subjects such as web hosting. We will therefore see in this article how to contact Hostinger customer support.

Contact Hostinger Support

Hostinger provides numerous methods to contact support. Thus allowing its users to receive an answer to their technical questions about web hosting or information on the service provided by the host. The customer service offered is fast, since you can count on a response within minutes.

Contact Hostinger by phone

Unfortunately, Hostinger does not provide its customers with telephone support. Unlike certain players with this type of contactable line (with billing), the host plays the transparency card and clearly states that it does not have this type of contact for its hosting services.

We won’t see it later, this is still made up for by an excellent online chat available 24 hours a day.

Contact Hostinger by email

Hostinger customer support is accessible via email, depending on the subject of your question, you will then need to select a specific email address. This segmentation allows the host to better distribute files and thus speed up the response process.

If you wish to report abuse such as spam or phishing, you can directly contact the following address: [email protected] (also reachable via a contact form). This email address allows you to report any type of inappropriate content that you may have seen on a website hosted by Hostinger. Request which will then be analyzed with often, if justified, requests for content removal.

Then, you can find a dedicated email address in case you lose your 2FA access or your login ID. If one of these two cases arises, do not hesitate to contact the following address: [email protected]. The rest of the emails available concern general or commercial inquiries regarding accommodation offers.

Contact Hostinger via chat

@Hostinger: customer support via live chat

The live chat offered by Hostinger acts as the spearhead of its customer support service. It is an intelligent chat using your keyword input to redirect you to a useful resource for its resolution. If, however, the documents are not enough, you will have access to the chat with a real person this time. This discussion field offers an average response time of 15 minutes and will be available directly from your personal space on the host. To take advantage of it, all you have to do is click on the purple logo at the bottom right representing a message bubble. This contact method for customer support is available 24/7 with trained technical agents to answer your questions. A major advantage in terms of availability, as we remind you, a problem can happen at any time of the day (or night).

Hostinger: help provided online

Status of services

Hostinger also provides a large number of online resources. This compilation of the most frequently asked questions is divided into several collections. The first is the state of the services, in fact when there are bugs on a site, the first instinct is to think about the availability of the host. Hostinger offers you a dedicated page to know the status of its servers in real time. A practical tool, which avoids support intervention and which allows you to see for a moment whether the problem is caused by this or not.

Hostinger service status

The knowledge base

The Knowledge Base is a very useful online resource, as it is a collection of blog articles providing you with details on technical topics relating to web hosting. Among these themes, we find in particular “cPanel”, “First steps”, “Domains” or even everything that is “SSL Certificate”. A series of articles serving entirely as customer support since it will cover the major topics related to web hosting. Written by professionals, you will understand in detail how certain aspects of IT work. This entire knowledge base is supplemented with photos and explanatory arrows to make it even easier to understand. The articles are clear and concise, allowing you to directly apply the lines read to your concrete case.

hostinger kb


Tutorials are also a popular customer service resource offered by Hostinger. They will complement the content of the knowledge base, by offering detailed guides offering more information than the latter. Where the knowledge base answers specific technical questions, the tutorials produced by Hostinger aim to guide users on broader web themes such as “How to Create a Website from Scratch: Beginner’s Guide” or even “How to Use Google Gmail SMTP Server”. This content is regularly updated, thus providing the right information to its customers. The articles are longer than those presented before and can last up to 30 minutes of reading. However, they can be of great help in guiding you in developing your solution requiring web hosting.

Hostinger tutorials

A YouTube channel

Finally, the last resource from the wide range of customer support offered by the host is a YouTube channel. The latter is called “The Hostinger Academy” and offers rich video content, which will answer your technical questions in a fun way. This more dynamic format is more suitable for some people in learning and applying recommendations. The host understands this well since the channel has a large number of videos and channels. You will find playlists on “e-commerce”, “plugins” or even “How to create a blog?” » (how to create a blog). Once again free content which completes Hostinger’s entire hosting customer support offering.



  • money_off

    30 day refund

  • security

    SSL certificate included

  • install_desktop

    WordPress compatible


Hostinger ticks a lot of boxes, starting with the exhaustiveness of its offers as well as its attractive prices, although not always very clear at first glance. It is at the top of the best and most efficient hosts on the market. Another advantage is that it now has servers in France.

Read the full review Try Hostinger now!

Hostinger Benefits
  • An extremely rich range
  • A foolproof response time
  • NVMe servers in France
  • Attractive prices
Hostinger Disadvantages
  • Low prices with a commitment

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