How is the attraction between the planets?

The earth pulls us in so we don’t fall off it.

The sun floats because it is attracted by the stars.

But what is the attraction between the planets like? is the attraction the same everywhere?

Asker: Elena, 12 years old


In the solar system, the sun and the eight planets are the largest objects. But the sun itself is many times heavier than all the planets combined. Therefore, a planet’s orbit is determined primarily by the gravitational pull between that planet and the sun, and much less by the gravitational pull between planets.

Why does a planet keep revolving around the sun?
See my answer to a similar question:

question 9007 />

How is the attraction between the planets?

Answered by

prof.dr. Paul Hellings

Department of Mathematics, Fac. IIW, KU Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven
Old Market 13 3000 Leuven


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