How to get through the new world of work with less stress

© CCO Public Domain / Unsplash – Charles Deluvio

Our working world was completely turned upside down this year. Some suddenly lack work, others struggle through home office and household chores every day, others try to do their job as best they can under the new hygiene regulations at work. In short: The working world can be frustrating these days. Here are a few tips on how you can deal better with stress in the new world of work.

It pays our livelihood, is the place where we meet like-minded people and realize ourselves: our work. Yet they can also be a serious source of Stress and dissatisfaction his. Why is that? And how can us Resilience in the job help?

Why work can stress us out

Statistically we spend whole eight years of our life continuously with work. However, that alone is not the problem, especially when we consider that we overslept an average of 24 years of life and sit in front of the television for 12 years. But under certain circumstances, work can turn into a huge burden.

“Long work without breaks, overtime, a high density of work and time pressure can stress us, ”explains Nils Backhaus, ergonomist and psychologist who researches safety and health at work at the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. We feel permanently overloaded, our sleep suffers, we feel exhausted and unmotivated – and our performance suffers. “In the long term, chronic illnesses also occur, and the risk of diabetes, heart attacks or strokes can increase,” explains Backhaus.

Avoid work breaks, reduce stress

8 tips to help you work more resiliently today

Here helps us Resilience – our psychological resilience – to stay calm. But how does it help us when we have to drag ourselves to the office every morning or weep regularly alone in the company toilet? Around 25 percent of employees experience theirs Job as the number 1 stressor in her life (source: International Differences in Well-Being). Since the beginning of the pandemic many people feel in Home office more productive – if they don’t have to look after their offspring in addition to work. But isolation is a problem even for the most productive. In addition, 50 percent of the Techniker Krankenkasse interviewed people admit that the corona pandemic is stressing them out. A full 80 percent of those surveyed said they had the Contact with their friends and to miss the colleagues. To cope with this stress, these resilience tips can help you directly:

1. Recognize stressors – and solve them constructively

Take some time to find out what exactly is stressing you about your job: The time pressure? The Working method of the colleague? The payment? As soon as you get your Recognized stressors you can start looking for constructive solutions. You can find some of them below.

2. Bring in your talents – but not too much

Scientists like the psychologist and Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman assume that it makes us happy to bring our talents and strengths to our job. But the same applies to talents: The dose makes the poison. Because perfectionism can be true to us Top performance but often does so at the expense of our well-being. Feed your resilience by putting your perfectionism on a diet.

Curb stress breaks, work breaks, perfectionism

3. Value yourself and others

One of the strongest Resilience factors are other people: People who cheer us up on bad days, organize coffee for us, when we are late for the meeting and who we still like after work. Empathy and compassion also strengthen our resilience, because if we try to understand the motives and reasons for the actions of our fellow human beings, we don’t have to deal with negative feelings like Anger or annoyance hold up. Instead we can a solution together Find.

If we particularly like something, we will Perceive the performance of colleagues or be happy with someone, then we are welcome to say that out loud. That makes our colleagues happy – and it also makes us a little happier. “That is why it is also advisable for managers to treat employees in an appreciative manner,” says Backhaus. And of course this can also be done via video chat during the pandemic.

Read also: How to deal with the Anti-stress coaching from the Techniker Krankenkasse Find more serenity online, learn to reduce stress and create a balance with effective relaxation methods.

4. Deep work instead of digital burnout

We don’t have to be available all the time. The computer science professor keeps the consistent focus on certain work Cal Newport in his book of the same name as “Deep work“. He recommends that we use smartphones and e-mails for intensive work phases switch off sometimes allowed to. So we can safely put the illusion that we can finish faster through multitasking.

5. Create a work-life balance

“Digital technologies enable us to do business after work reachable to be, ”says Backhaus. “Outside of working hours, the following applies: Switch off.” In the end of working day we shouldn’t answer work emails or answer the work phone – or write this time down as overtime. “At the moment, a lot of people are working from home. Here we have to be particularly careful that the Separation between work and leisure succeeds, ”advises Backhaus.

6. Listen to yourself

When we are mindful, we look at ourselves, our lives and our actions from a meta-level. This is how we can do things assess more realistically and react more agile to challenges. If we are mindful, we also notice more quickly what is stressing us, when and why. This means that we can soon find a suitable solution for this. So can Mindfulness actively helping us to get rid of the stress in our lives.

Mindfulness, change of perspective, breaks, meta level

7. Keep in touch

To protect each other from infection with the corona virus, let’s go currently at a distance. Even if we are currently mainly meet virtually, this contact is important. “Other people are important to our well-being,” says Backhaus. “Also the cohesion between colleagues can be strengthened during the pandemic. Informal exchange is particularly important here. Technical discussions still take place, but there is no exchange in the hallway or in the coffee kitchen. To do this, we have to find and try out new formats, for example virtual coffee breaks. “

8. Sleep resiliently

Breaks help us our To charge batteries. They are important so that we can stay healthy and can think clearly even shortly before the end of work. They are also important for the exchange with our colleagues. Breaks are therefore a valuable component of our resilience – and our productivity. “The long break after work is important in order to cope with the stress of work,” explains Backhaus. “The rest time should be long enough to allow time for social contacts and leisure activities, but also one adequate amount of sleep enables. This is the only way to be fit, resilient and motivated again the next working day. Recovery cannot be put off the back burner ”. (Source: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)

The key for resilient and satisfied work is: Find allies and don’t be so hard on yourself. And: Switch off! Resilient people allow themselves to take care of themselves. Then you are still productive the next morning and can start the day in a good mood.

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