How to use ChatGPT to produce content for your social networks?


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ChatGPT is a great tool when used well. Its uses are multiple, and the capacities of the conversational agent can for example be exploited to find content ideas for its social networks, or even to create this content itself.

It is not always easy to feed your personal social networks or those of brands, media or personalities for whom you work by finding inspiration to offer original content on a daily basis. Thanks to its knowledge and its ability to immerse itself in a context, ChatGPT can help you in your mission. The artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI is able to submit ideas for publication, and even write text for you to save you time or remedy a lack of creativity.

How to use ChatGPT to produce content for your social networks?

1. Find content ideas to post on social media

Ask ChatGPT for content suggestions, the AI ​​will give you lots of ideas as well as concrete examples of messages you can post on your social networks. Do not hesitate to give him the purpose of the content (to generate engagement, for example) so that the chatbot can be as precise and relevant as possible in his answer. You can also tell him which social network in particular you are looking to create content for, he will adapt his response accordingly. For example, it takes into account the management of hashtags on Twitter.

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© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

2. Find the right hashtags to use

The use of hashtags is a good way to give visibility to your content on social networks. You can ask ChatGPT to compile a list of the most relevant hashtags relating to a subject, an event, a marketing campaign… Again, the more context you give it, the more relevant it can be.

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© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

3. Create a post for a contest

Do you want to organize a contest on your account, but you lack inspiration to promote it? Ask ChatGPT to write a publication, classic or original, specifying for which social network the message is intended and what is the gift to be won. You will save precious minutes in writing the post.

ChatGPT social networks © © ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

4. Write the script for a video

The video format has become essential on social networks. This type of content is highlighted by algorithms because it captures attention better than text. ChatGPT can’t (yet?) generate videos from a prompt submitted to it, but it can give you tips on how to script a video, or even write its entire script. Give it a theme, specify the desired length of the video, add what type of video you want (face cam, vlog, fiction…), for which platform (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok…), and let’s go !

ChatGPT social networks © © ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

5. Reply to his followers

To increase its commitment and get closer to its community, but also to respond to messages from customers sent to you on social networks, ChatGPT can be used. Simply copy-paste the message you want to reply to and request a reply from ChatGPT, giving it the context and content of what needs to be said if necessary. You can also choose the style of the response generated: sustained language and polite expressions for a customer, or more relaxed in an informal context.

ChatGPT social networks © © ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

6. Generate humorous content

ChatGPT can be humorous, and this type of content is highly engaging on social media, where it leads to shares, replies, and likes. From a theme, an event, a word, a situation and even nothing, artificial intelligence can create a joke, a riddle or a pun. Enough to make the Internet users who follow you laugh without too much effort.

ChatGPT social networks © © ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

7. Adapt your content to the news

Reacting to the news is always a good idea to attract attention and get the interest of Internet users. One of the weaknesses of ChatGPT is that it does not take into account the most recent events, but there is a way around this limitation. For example, you can ask ChatGPT to show you the birthdays of celebrities for a specific date, month or period. You also have the possibility of soliciting the next World Days to come to create content that refers to them. Of course, you can also require the chatbot to generate content on a celebrity birthday or a world day, preferably if it has to do with your social media activity.

ChatGPT social networks © © ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

8. Find a catchy title

Are you happy with your content, but having trouble highlighting it with a catchy title? ChatGPT can make attractive title suggestions for an article or video. To do this, you can summarize your content or copy and paste it in the case of a text. If the content is already published online, you even need to provide it with the link, it will be able to analyze the text of the web page to generate title suggestions. You can guide ChatGPT by giving it some keywords to include in the title or giving it a general idea of ​​what you want to achieve.

ChatGPT social networks © © ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

ChatGPT can be very useful for creating content to share on social networks. Using AI can save a lot of time, but keep in mind that a human’s creativity can also make a big difference in quality and drive more engagement than ChatGPT can generate.


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