Is pedophilia mentioned in the bible?

The bible mentions, among other things, adultery, incest, sex with animals, masturbation and the like.

Is pedophilia also mentioned explicitly or indirectly?

Asker: John, age 68


I don’t want to play around the bush, but some terms don’t immediately cover the biblical meaning because they are an ‘invention’ of the 19th or 20th century. For example, you will not find the word ‘homophilia’ or ‘homosexuality’ as a term or concept in the Bible. The first question is, of course, what exactly do you mean by that term? what behavior is included? and is this used in the condemning sense now and in the time when the bible was written and how was this used throughout the 20 centuries of biblical interpretation. Acts described negatively in the Bible are interpreted by some today: that was too zeitgeist. Or they meant something else by that (again: homosexual acts).

The term pedophilia is therefore not a term that can be found in the Bible. There is indeed the stern word of Jesus about offending children, “who deserve to be cast into the water with a millstone”…. But what did that mean in Jesus’ time, what at this time? (e.g. drug use in the presence of children?).

Answered by

Master Philosophy Herman Lodewyckx

ethics in general; engineering ethics, Philosophy in general; African Philosophy

Vives Catholic University
Doorniksesteenweg 145 8500 Kortrijk


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